Parents of the HS Class of 2024

Got more details. ASU admitted D24 to west campus. Very less than ideal. It’s in Glendale. Glendale is not a very nice part of the greater Phoenix metro area. Don’t want my kid living in Glendale for 4 yr. West campus is dead on weekends and the kid wants “stuff to do” on weekends.

Thanks but no thanks, ASU. D24 is going to pass.

For the UC’s the PIQs are really important and from everything I have read and heard a high GPA is valued most at UCLA.


My kid got admitted to Tempe campus, I assume that is the main ASU campus ? Is it ?


Yes. Tempe is the main campus.

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Woo Hoo! My daughter got her first acceptance! UMN–College of Liberal Arts. Relief! She’s astounded that it came this early (she applied in early Aug). No word on merit, of course–that will come later if it does.


Recent NYT article on Tulane’s unbalanced male to female student body called “There Definitely was a Thumb on the Scale to Get Boys” Class of 2027 is 2 to 1 women to men.

Being a male should help him at Tulane.


ED1 to Wake by chance?

I actually think Williams will be a tiny bit “easier” this year. Two years ago they went to no loans in their financial aid, this resulted in a higher yield than expected. I think they accepted fewer students last year to balance that higher yield.
Personally, I think it is crazy not to apply to Williams if you are not a full pay family and the school is a good fit for your student academically. My son applied to 17 schools and their financial aid could not be beat.


I agree. Their aid package for my son is unbelievable.


That is amazing. We are full pay and chasing merit except for the few schools like Williams that do not offer any and will have to decide if he loves it so much more if it is worth the ED application and possibility of $360k over 4 years.


We are checking out Williams early next month for D24 - She is strong in math, comp sci & music, wants a small/ smallish school, but not sure if it is too rural/ cold (we live in the Southwest!) . So going to check it out in person and see what she thinks. It’s good to hear such great feedback. Right now Rice is her top choice. Pretty different vibe, but she hasn’t ever actually visited any NE schools other than ones in Boston & NYC, and she was not a fan of living in those cities. I think it will be a pretty big difference from the TX & CA privates we toured, but her twin brother is committed to a school for his sport in the NE, so she is going to see what she thinks of some of the less urban options.


The PNW is chock full of beautiful places, but the Berkshires is equally magnificent. Weather is an important consideration, being from Nebraska I knew that my son didn’t know the meaning of snow!! Williams has wonderful winter PE offerings and my son has really taken to snowshoeing. He has also been skiing, canoeing, ice skating and probably a lot more. The best of luck to your twins as they make their decisions. Please don’t hesitate to ask any questions.

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Last night, Wake Forest regional rep did a presentation for parents at our high school that was informative about holistic admissions. Much of it was specific to Wake Forest, but likely was largely true of similar institutions. He emphasized that they look at roughly 3 things: academics, extracurricular activities, and demonstrated interest. He explained various ways to demonstrate interest, but also said that ED is the best way to demonstrate interest and half he class is admitted ED. On academics, he emphasized students need to challenge themselves and take advantage of opportunities available to them. Nearly all admitted students are top 20%, top 10% preferred. There was a lengthy discussion of test optional and my take away was, for Wake, only submit scores over 33/1460 9their average for admitted students). Anything else hurts the applicant. Without scores, they look more closely at the rest of the applicant. On ECs, Wake wants to see how applicants lead and give back to the community. He also casually admitted Wake is need aware.

Wake had been at the top of my S24s list, so H and I took advantage of the opportunity to talk to the rep personally. The good news is Rep seemed very excited about S24s leadership roles and membership in Cum Laude Society (our school doesn’t rant, but students inducted as Juniors must be top 10%). Bad news is S24 will have to be TO.


My S24 is interested in Wake, but not going to be ED, so if you wanted to elaborate on that just a bit, I would definitely appreciate it. We’re doing an in-person visit soon, but anything else they specifically mentioned would be nice to know.

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For demonstrated interest other than ED, the Wake rep highlighted a lot of the “usual suspects” such as in person visits, virtual events, and a strong “why Wake” essay that contains details indicating the student has done research on Wake. He also recommends going to local info sessions/college fairs and engaging with the local rep. He made it clear that, when evaluating similar applicants, the will choose to admit the one with stronger demonstrated interest.


Looking forward to your daughter’s thoughts on Williams. What did she like about Rice?

Wake is my son’s first choice also. He is planning to ED, hopefully by the end of the month.

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It’s very important that your student does the admissions interview at Wake, if at all possible.

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Ok - so I have been following this page for some time now - but this will be my first post.

Just had to rant and get this off my chest as I think I am going to explode.

On Monday my son has off school. The plan is to visit UMd for their sciences specific info session. I STALKED that page religiously in August and was able to book a spot on the one day he has off from school this fall. This morning my DS texts me an email that our spot had been cancelled because he didn’t respond to the confirmation email. ARRGGGHHH!!!

Now on a good note - I had him email back IMMEDIATELY and luckily nobody had taken his spot yet and we were able to keep it. But the woman in charge “scolded” him for not checking his emails daily.

I know that he gets over 50 college related emails a day - but I have gone over with him again and again how important it is for him to stay on top of that email account!!!

Ok vent over - unfortunately it didn’t make me feel any better!


I learned my lesson in the first go around. Dedicated college email, and auto-forward to my account.

You could set up rules to have the emails from the schools he is actually considering forwarded to you.