Parents of the HS Class of 2024

@RadM You know how people say they have two kids, they try to raise them fairly, but somehow their habits and practices are the opposite? That’s my life. :joy: I tell D24 to relax and it’s ok and then I yell at S21 to make sure he puts in 110%. But that’s my son. I used to think of it as a fault (it did bite him in the rear a couple of times in HS) but he’s convinced me it’s about prioritization. He says what’s important to me isn’t important to him if he’s able to get to the same end point. I’ve learned to let go but I do tell him that for my preference, his habits give me anxiety.

D24 is in Spanish 3 now. There is no AP Spanish anymore (started this year) and the Spanish 4 teacher isn’t that great. The current Spanish teacher is amazing. She taught both of my kids. She barely speaks English but they learn in her class and she’s the most empathetic teacher. So fun and so caring. I don’t think foreign language is that big of a deal if you’re swapping it for just as challenging classes. Right now there are four colleges on her list that require foreign language either way since she knows she won’t place out of it—UCLA, USC, Harvard, and Yale. Her POV is if she gets into any of those schools, she’d be more than happy to take a year of foreign language.

So I have no experience with this since my older S stopped foreign language after 2 years since he hated it, but I have read that Harvard and some of the other schools recommend 4 years of foreign language and that this is equivalent to requiring it. Do you have any info? My S started a new language as a freshman so he is planning on continuing through senior year.

I think this is a call your child would have to make. Harvard recommends 4 but I think they look at the whole application. Yale said that they would like 4 years but if the student has interests in other classes, they wouldn’t hold it against them. We don’t know many at Harvard but I just checked my friend’s niece who got in ED and she has 3 years. Brown recommends 4 but S21 got in with 3 years and he’s never taking another foreign language again unless it’s for fun.


It is so interesting how everyones experience is different. He likes his “new” language, Italian. Less useful than spanish but taught in a different manner in our high school and he plans to continue. It is definitely his choice!

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My S24 sounds very like your S21. He has the same attitude and like you it gives me anxiety. I have to let it be but not easy to do. His Math in sem 1 he was at 98% and then he starts relaxing and does not finish couple of home works on time and the final test score is a 80% instead of the above 95% he got in all previous tests.
When we are not happy about final exam score he says what does it matter I still have an A and 94% overall.

Interesting about the Foreign language. S24 is not a huge fan of it but does not say he wont do it so we will try for one more year and the skip in senior year if he does not want to do.

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We don’t go through course selection until March in our district. I know S24 will not elect to take language next year so it will be interesting to see how he fills his schedule. Our district is more strict with AP’s and not many kids take a full load of them. I know he won’t take any next year? But should be in line for Honors Chem. Where’s that class of 2024 3.0 thread. :laughing:

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@RadM AP World teacher taught S21 and now D24. He put in the “S21’s rule,” on the final essay of each semester. It used to be 3-5% of the grade of the semester. S21 skipped it because he knew a zero would still yield him 89.9%, an A- or still 4.0. It’s now 20%. D24 was really annoyed by this. The teacher told the class why it’s now 20% (thx to her brother). So she had to get 6/7 to get an A this semester despite having a 94% before that essay. Luckily, she got 6/7 on that timed write. Her friends got pretty close to almost getting a B.

We had a lot of Class of 2024 complaints on their Class of 2021 big brothers over break. There is also a “R Y. Rule” now due to S21’s friend who ended up valedictorian. Apparently, he took a bunch of community college classes to pad his GPA so he got valedictorian by a small decimal point. CC classes are no longer included in the grade bump unless they are part of the core classes like math, science, etc. So, no more fashion whatever at the CC to get you that 5.0.

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Ha ha that’s too funny :slight_smile: . It worked for your S21 so that’s good and he seems to be really smart kid so good for him figuring out how to get good GPA with out stressing.

The rule change about the valedictorian makes sense. I don’t even know if our school has a valedictorian and if they have how they calculate GPA for this as they don’t consider weighting on official transcripts.

Typically we schedule in mid February or so for next school year. I’m not sure if that will be the timeline this year or not. Lots of unique things going on this year. But, D24 intends to pursue the IB diploma, so will be in mostly IB classes. She has to choose 2 from 3 classes for her electives. I don’t know what she will pick. I wish she could take them all, but they won’t fit.

The way I see it, there are 2 obstacles to getting ahead in your adult life after college, college debt and down payment for a house (assuming you have a job that can support yourself). If a person has no college debt and is able to purchase a house early in his life, it makes things a lot easier/quicker. At least this is my experience and observation in silicon valley last 25 years… I could be wrong.

Totally agree with you.

I here AP Lang is one class that can help with college essay aspects. That is one reason we have decided to do AP Lang. So even if he does not do AP lang may be some class that helps his writing may be a good choice.

I agree. D24 is taking AP Lang this year and so far, her writing has improved a LOT compared to last school year.

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I’ve heard APUSH is very difficult and time consuming. Is that true?

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Just wanted to share that a friend of mine had their kids buy the Princeton review books (or similar) and use throughout the semester for AP prep. I used similar books when studying for the bar exam. I bought them for my D21 but he would never use. He had an excellent memory though.

I bought one for my D24’s APUSH class coming up. I think she will resist but I’m really going to encourage this. It’s my belief that good AP test scores can help her with admissions. Whether or not she can finish the exam on time is another matter. They have practice tests in the books I think.

yes, in our school the combination of APUSH and AP bio is considered the most time consuming due to the volume of reading.

I got them for S21 and he never used them. I bought whatever the teachers recommended. I did tell D24 to use the AP Chem book that her brother never used. I’m hoping that it’s actually useful.

If it’s anything like what I used, it helps summarize bits of info likely to be tested so easier to memorize. Practice question also help you get ready. A teacher who is great for exam prep is best. I’m not sure the pass rate of this AP at her big public but I’ve heard the teachers are good. Her counselor said it’s a challenging class as it’s often the first demanding one of high school for sophmores but working hard in honors chem will help D24 get ready (block schedule).

She’s likely to go private but even at UC they will still look at APs I think.

I did by for the AP Computer principles he is taking right now and S24 has not yet opened. I told him to practice test and says there is no need. Our school does have very high AP pass rates in general (90% or above for most AP’s) so I am hoping the teachers will tell them how to proceed. With my son he always listens better when it comes from his teachers.

It is considered one of the most time consuming if not the hardest. Some of the AP sciences are equally hard but it really depends of the strengths of the student.

My S22 took it last year as a junior and it was definitely demanding. He had the “hard” teacher which made getting a “A” in the class virtually impossible (ended with a B+). That being said, he enjoyed it and got a 4 on the exam with no prep (other than taking the class). The pass rate for the exam (3 or better) is 47% which makes it one of the most difficult AP tests.

That’s a great pass rate. I’m sure my D’s school is not near that.

@Thorsmom66 I wasn’t aware any AP exam had that low of a pass rate!