Parents of the HS Class of 2024

Anyone have experience with AP seminar/research? Think S24 may enjoy it as his extra class

We rented it off of Vudu.

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I hear ya. D24 has adamantly said, ā€œNo way!ā€ to taking AP Chem next year. She has honors chem this year and like your school, ours requires you to take the honors science before you take the AP one. The chem teacher for honors also teaches the AP class and frankly, sheā€™s just not very good. Thereā€™s 2 sections of kids taking honors chem this year and D24 has said that word on the street at school is that almost all of them are opting to NOT take AP Chem next year because of how bad the experience has been this year.

The school counselor told all of the 10th graders that they just have to take 1 science next year, not 2, so if D24 wants to not take AP Chem, she has to pick some other AP elective instead. She will then end up with just having taken AP Bio, and not also AP Chem & AP Physics. We are ok with that. Sheā€™ll have Honors Chem & Honors Physics instead.

I know that for some families, this would lead to sheer panic of ā€œBut then she wonā€™t get into a T20 school!ā€ but for us, that isnā€™t a deciding factor. We are not pursuing T20 schools for either of our kids and weā€™re not pursuing elite LACs either.

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In our school it is very normal to just take one AP science or even none, and kids do get into T20 and elite LAC schools. I am very very concerned about carving out practice time for my high level musician (2 hours a day is optimal) and he is upset when it cant happen. I think he and the guidance counselor are going to have to decide. BTW my older one did get into one T50 school with two years of foreign language, AP environmental science as a senior as the only science AP and a 3.4 unweighted GPA, but he did have an arts supplement.


Well my D24 made the difficult decision to drop her first AP, World History. There is no honors at her school unfortunately. This school year has been a difficult one for her and I think itā€™s the right thing to do for now but still a bit bummed. Hopefully, things will be better for her emotionally next year and she will pick up a couple. Sheā€™s going to pick up an evening rock band class next week. I like to keep it real here on CC. :v:


Thatā€™s great! :slight_smile:

@NateandAllisMom She knows what she needs and as weā€™ve seen, better do this now than get burned out or have the grades slide so much that it impacts her psych. Sheā€™s a humanities kid from your description and Iā€™m glad sheā€™s not being apologetic about it.


She had mixed feelings but just isnā€™t in a place to really grind like that right now. I canā€™t imagine that this change will make the difference one way or the other admissions wise but in any case needs to happen.


15 1/2 yr old D24 got her driverā€™s permit a little over a month ago. This afternoon, DH took her out for another driving lesson. And she got into an accident while failing to yield to oncoming traffic when making a left turn. Airbags deployed and all that fun stuff. Everybodyā€™s fine, including other driver & passenger of other car. D24 is really upset. Her driving confidence is shaken a lot now. D24 has no broken bones or anything, just a really sore left thumb.

Between that and the wild Karen I encountered at the grocery store this morning, Iā€™m ready for a do over of today! This insane woman verbally lost it and full on yelled at me for a couple of minutes because I mistakenly cut in line in front of her (her cart was at least 10ā€™ away from the grocery check out line and it was NOT obvious that she was waiting). Even after I apologized and moved, she continued to unleash her verbal fury on me right there at 10:30 am on a Sunday morning.

Iā€™m glad your DD and husband are okay! Iā€™m sure that did shake her up. Iā€™m so sorry.

And sorry to hear about your Karen. People have just lost their minds.

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@sbinaz OMG. Thatā€™s traumatizing what your daughter went thru today and Iā€™m sure she will take this lesson with her! Give her a few days before bringing up driving. She probably had to process this. Iā€™m glad she didnā€™t have more injuries. Might get some bruising later, depending on how the air bags deployed. Argh. Sorry for the grocery story lady. Something was bugging her and she took it out on you. Shake her off. You need a hug, momma!!

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Better days ahead. Hang in there!

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I think that weā€™ll pause the driving lessons with Mom or Dad until we have a 2nd car again. :slight_smile:

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Scary. Glad everyone is ok. Sorry you had a tough day. Some days are like that and hopefully the rest of the week goes better.

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Glad everyone is ok. Scary .

This looks very similar to my sonā€™s classes, except that heā€™s only in Spanish IV (which is dual enrollment with a local college, but V is AP). His electives will be AP stats (which his school recommends they not do at the same time as AP Calculus) and band. Iā€™m feeling the same way about how much work it will be, but I donā€™t really think he has any other options.

I was a bit more sneakyā€¦

After having been to Spain for two weeks the summer before, my daughter had been dismayed how much everyone instantly switched to English, once they realized you were a foreigner.

So I took her on a ā€œdive tripā€ to Cuba the following spring. Except - we didnā€™t go with a group to a dive resort. Instead, I took a major leap of faith with some unknown local arranging a few locations across the country, traveling between them by Taxi (yes, one of those 1950 Chevvys with Toyota diesel engines, lots of duct tape - but great sound system) and staying in little B&Bā€™s.

The ā€œgreatā€ thing: Specially outside of Havanna, no one spoke English at all - not even our driver, and certainly not the people running the ā€œincidentialesā€. So, she had no choice than ā€œfull immersionā€ - in every respect.

It turned out to be inspirational in so many ways; a trip that we continue to talk about as our greatest adventure ever. It was highly educational as far as her experiencing people living in different political and economical systems, with their expected downsides ā€“ but also some surprising benefits and honest national pride. She experienced the cold-war propaganda on display everywhere, contrasted with how friendly and gracious the people were.

Months later, she turned the cultural and societal expectations vs. the realities on the ground into her college essay.


Took D24 to the pediatrician yesterday afternoon to get her thumb looked at since she still canā€™t hardly move it at all. We saw a PA (physicianā€™s assistant), who basically didnā€™t know what to do and recommended to either (a) wait and see; (b) get more x-rays now and then wait and see; or (c) go to a hand specialist.

So weā€™re going to do Option C. Yesterdayā€™s appointment went how I thought it would. It was a little frustrating.

Trimester 2 ends a week from Friday, then report cards a week later.

So frustrating. This is why midlevels dont decrease the cost of healthcare. Good luck

Hope your daughters thumb feels better soon and they can figure out whatā€™s going on.