Parents of the HS Class of 2024

@hello06 i think you can check with the colleges. I was on the UCLA page and it looks like the accept ASL so it may be mainstream now, which I’m glad!


I know the colleges we were looking at accepted ASL.

And I agree with you on what happened with languages during online school. My kids are in Spanish 3 right now. Their knowledge of the language is not what you’d normally see in Spanish 3. Their class instructions are not conducted in Spanish because so many of the kids have no idea what’s being said. Only actual language practice is done in Spanish. And they are both an interesting combination of understanding some things that are level 3 and not understanding some things that are level 1. I told my son (S22) to start back in Spanish 1 in college so that he can solidify that strong Spanish 1 base he’s lacking. I told him if he has to take a placement test, tank it. He might tank it naturally, but he really does need to start over. My daughter (D24) will be going into IB HL1 next year. But at our school, students usually go into that after Spanish 2, so I think she’ll be okay. And IB has such a focus on discussion that I think she’ll be able to pick up what she’s currently lacking.

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Thanks! I agree with you on starting over in college. If the college accepts ASL, they don’t have to take FL course if they are not interested as ASL doesn’t have any AP test to transfer the credit? Also our school doesn’t have ASL 3 and 4 and the students have to do this course through dual enrollment from a CC. Only thing is that the school has some connection with the college so the professors from CC comes and teach at school.

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Yes Something like this would be great.

My S21 took the ASL route. Only took ASL 1 and 2 through the local CC. It worked great at Univ of Texas - Austin, as just those two semester were enough to get him accepted and the credit transferred very well to cover the FL requirement. It was also enough (to at least meet the minimums) for the UC and CSU systems, has he got acceptances and/or waitlist for many applications. He did not get acceptance to any of the tippy top schools he applied to. Obviously, there is no direct correlation, but also no validation that a couple of semesters of ASL is enough for the Stanford/MIT/CMU class of schools. My D24 is planning 3 or 4 semesters of ASL at the CC.

Thanks @parentkeith ! That helps. Yes, my D24 is also planning to take 3 and 4 at a CC. UT Texas - Austin is one of her choices too for the college list. Do they give good any merit/need-based scholarship? Any scholarship for NMF?

Merit scholarships are available, but not widely distributed to OOS applicants. I don’t believe there is all that much need based support for OOS also. We were not in a position to research NMF funds, but I don’t believe it is anything like the guaranteed funding at other publics. My S21 choose UT specifically for the Turing program.

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There’s info available at Undergraduate Scholarships | Undergraduate Admissions | The University of Texas at Austin for UT Austin scholarships.

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Some good news & a minor set back to report today.

The bad news: D24 had a math quiz today and got a 69% on it. But friends of hers in the class tanked it, too. They’re going to be reviewing it in class tomorrow. :frowning: Good news: there’s teacher-student hours available this week, so she can also go after school for extra help before the next test.

The good news:
D24 has a 94% in AP Bio right now! Yahoo! And she got results back today from her English teacher for the practice AP English Language test that the class took a couple of weeks ago. Found out that she got a 4 on it, which is great news for this May when she’ll take the actual exam.


Watching the Olympics and so many student athletes. I love that people always crap on athletes taking up a spot at their school during early decision. Eileen Gu 1580 SATs and just won the gold and Stanford freshman. Saw her interview and was thinking all she said could’ve been on the common app essay and among the several supplementals for Stanford. I’d for sure take her at Stanford over my kid. Anyway, I’m glad they are highlighting some of these kids so that people resentful of them getting into T20 schools can hear it. They deserve their seats.


I have a question for my D24’s next year schedule.

I think D24 is not at all an AP Science student based on how she is doing with her AP BIO. I think it was part of my mistake too. I thought AP BIO is little easier (my older daughter’s opiniont) than AP Chem. Of course, in our school everyone struggles with AP Chem and I have seen my older one struggled with it too. So thought maybe this is better for D24 and suggested her to take AP BIO but she is working so hard but not able to really bring up the grade.

Now, for next year she wants to take AP Lang, AP Stats, AP Gov, AP Micro/Macro, ASL, Hon. Financial Accounting and some science. I suggested her to take just regular physics. Today she texted me from school that her AP Bio teacher told them there is no difference in difficulty between AP Physics and regular Physics. So, she is probably thinking of taking AP Physics 1/2.

I was wondering if she really needs another science course next year as she already completed 4 years of science (Physical Science, Chem, Bio and AP Bio). She has been struggling with AP BIO so much that she is unable focus more on other activities and it has some impact on her APUSH too. Anyways, she is not planning to go for STEM. Will it be anyways disadvantage when looking at top schools for not having rigorous science courses(not top 20)?

@hello06 It is my opinion from the schools S21 applied to that they don’t put a lot of weight on freshman science (physical science or whatever the prerequisite is to get into bio). If she is done with science this year, would they look at her rigor differently (even if she’s not STEM) because she only had two years of science. Science, math, english, history humanities is like their holy grail.

If you think what she has is sufficient, the alternative should be in her passion area. Is it business (financial accounting?). That would be reason they would be ok. Like if a student took 5 instead of 6 periods because they want to do theater afterschool and that’s where they’re passion lies for college major.

Her jr year AP list looks fine. I would watch out for AP Gov. It is a lot of work. My kids did or are doing APUSH and AP World and taking reg gov and Econ senior year. Our counselor also confirmed that AP gov is a lot of work at our school since her son is taking it now so check with your school.

Thanks for your input! I think she would have completed 3 yrs of Science not 2 (Bio, chem and Ap Bio).
I am not sure about Financial account. This is what the description says " covers the fundamentals of financial accounting and their application to journals, ledgers, and
financial statements. Through in-depth discussions, financial analysis, and coursework, students will cover the accounting cycle for a corporation"

Yes, she will definitely have 7 bells. She will look for another course if Physics is not required.

I will tell to talk to her counselor.

It depends on what type of schools she may be looking at. If she wants a top 50 type (or wants to try, at least) I’d suggest the physics. My S22 is taking honors physics this year and from what I understand it is not much different from AP Physics 1 (he’s got a friend in that and the work is very, very similar). His GC said schools like to see the full suite of lab sciences - they don’t count physical science or other freshman courses as part of that. Also, you will want to make sure that schools she is looking at will accept ASL as a foreign language - not all do. On the math front I assume your daughter has already completed the standard math progression through pre-calculus, at least, otherwise that should take precedence over AP Stats.


Thanks @Thorsmom66 ! Yes he completed all required math and will be taking AP CALC AB in senior year. She did 3 years of Spanish and taking ASL too as she is interested and planning to take 4 years of ASL.

I am still confused if AP Physics 1 and regular physics are of same level?

I think this depends on school and teachers Typically Physics should be easier than AP Physics 1. In our school they don’t offer AP Physcis1 they offer Physics, Physics-honors and AP Physics -C. I have heard in our school that Physics-honors is close to what other schools offer as AP physics 1. I think talking to counsellor or the physics teachers would help. I think even through the topics may be similar they may go more in depth with AP Phycis1 and do more calculation based problems in the honors/AP courses.

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Have not heard before that AP Gov is a lot of work. I have heard that about APUSH but APGov. Something to consider for senior year.

@hello06 So my understanding about physics is that it is only needed if you are aiming for T50 schools and dont have another spike or special EC. If your child is not aiming for those kinds of schools then there is no reason for them to take physics if they dont want to. I am flabbergasted though that someone thinks that AP bio is an easier science class. The material is not difficult in terms of comprehension but it is considered a killer in terms of volume of material. At our school kids as juniors are encouraged not to combine APUSH and AP bio, and your kid is attempting that as a sophmore!
I would highly question what is going on at the school if there is a discussion that AP physics 1/2 is no different from regular physics. that makes absolutely no sense and should be addressed at a school level.

I am still confused if AP Physics 1 and regular physics are of same level?

At our high school, honors physics & AP Physics are not the same. Taught by same teacher, but the AP version is a harder class. Your mileage may vary at your school, of course!

I totally agree with you that AP Bio is lot of material but my D21 STEM kid could do it very easily and told us that it’s better to take AP Bio than chem. I know, it was wrong decision. It varies a lot from kid to kid and hard to know the depth of the course before stepping into it. D24 is good student too. She is good in Math and other subjects so thought it may be little difficult but not this bad. It was my mistake too.

Unfortunately the school is highly competitive public school. There are kids who have been taking multivariable, ap chem, ap bio all in 9th grade too. So it’s hard for teachers to judge.