Parents of the HS Class of 2024

That’s awesome! If it was me, I would definitely take your advice but let me see what my D thinks. For some reason, she thinks she should go to a big college, anything that has more number of students than her high school (total: 10000 and just high school: 4500) :). Barnard really sounds interesting. Good luck to your D!

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Thank you! Yes, it’s a huge relief. It was actually expected, so I was surprised at just how good it felt. It’s a great school. We visited over Christmas and both of my kids fell in love. So if he doesn’t get into SLO he’s still going to be somewhere great for him.

Not sure when SLO is going to start sending out in-state notifications. They’ve been all over the place the last few years for when acceptances go out. Last year no one was notified until later in Feb. And then they all started coming out in a rush. I guess, traditionally, they take their time between International, then OOS, and finally instate. They also send out rolling notifications. Acceptances first, then a gap, then waitlisting, and finally rejections. All over a couple of months. So it’s a nail-biter.

This year, SLO is already notifying International students. The folks that said they were “OOS” have later shown to be international still. But they don’t seem to have gone to US-OOS yet. So they seem to be taking their time again this year. So we wait.


It is not guaranteed and it is not easier for a NMF to be accepted to USC because of their NM status. To receive the USC NM Presidential Scholarship, a student must apply and compete against everyone else for acceptance. If they are accepted and they are a NMF, they will be awarded the scholarship.

For the Class of 2025, USC received approx. 60,000 applications, accepted approx. 9500 students, enrolled approx. 3600 students and awarded approx 185 NM scholarships.

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One other thing to keep in mind is the philosophy of schools. Your daughter looks to be a humanities major. Some colleges have certain GE requirements for their undergrad.

My S21 is the kid who prefers an open curriculum. He wanted flexibility and extreme freedom in what he can learn. For this reason, it drove Brown to be his dream school. For the same reason, he was never going to apply to Columbia (not that he could get in!) due to its core curriculum requirements (almost the opposite of Brown). I don’t know what all the requirements are, but just be mindful of each college philosophy. UCSD colleges all have unique GEs. The Sixth, 7th, and Muir Colleges at UCSD we’re his priorities. You couldn’t get him to sign up for Roosevelt because of the foreign language and humanities/writing intensive GE associated with Roosevelt at UCSD. Your daughter may not have that in her consideration set but something to talk about as you review the list of colleges and as you feel out what you know she prefers. It’ll help you guide her if she needs help.


So much waiting. I wish when do Rolling admins they tell you soon after you submit or just do one day. This over a period can be stressful.

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Overall the UCSD admission and college selection may require a PHD to get all details :sweat_smile: I keep getting confused with this hopefully I will get hand of it by the time S24 applies.

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LOL! You’re right about the UCSD application. As we were filling out the UC app we got to the pick-your-college section for UCSD. We read the stated purpose/goal for each college and ordered them according to what we thought would be a good fit for a CS kid. Later, I googled “which UCSD colleges are best for Computer Science”. Luckily there was a Reddit with plenty of discussion on the topic. I found out a few of our decisions were good, but most were in the wrong priority order for DS. Luckily, we hadn’t submitted yet and he was able to reorder them.

And yes, the waiting part right now is tough. Looking forward to being done. Luckily, I find myself being more and more happy with choice #2. It’s good to be happy if #1 doesn’t pan out.

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@lkg4answers , I totally understand that!

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Thanks! Any thoughts on doing Eng 4 in CC for Humanities major. I mentioned more details in my earlier post.

There’s a page that UCSD has and if you put in your major and the college, it spits out the GE classes and you can see how it syncs up with your major. And then you look at their AP credit by each college and cross what you don’t need to take due to AP credit. It makes us super simple if you know the type of major you plan to study.


I’m not sure what English 4 is but I’ll be candid here based on my kid’s experience, his friends who got into top colleges (I helped a ton of them), and my go-to resource who has read for Cal and is on undergrad admission steering committee for an Ivy. You can absolutely fulfill classes you need and demonstrate rigor at the high school. Beyond the core APs (math, sci, history, english), anything beyond that is nice but doesn’t have the same value emphasis. I would focus the effort on making sure the application is a holistic app that demonstrate the student’s passion. And it almost always doesn’t mean taking even more classes at community college. If they’re taking an extraordinary coding and advanced physics class at the CC beyond what the school offers (I had one kid who took all the math classes that CC had to offer so he had to take math at our CSU) then it’s impressive if they leveraged to lead some global hackathon or FIRST Robotics.

Maybe invest the time doing something related to whatever humanities field she’s interested in. If it’s history, take an anthropology class at the CC and applying that to an EC. Or take creative writing at the CC and then create a blog or submit a short story to the district competition. Totally making this up since I’m not into humanities majors from personal experience. But USC, Barnard, etc high-reach schools will want the 360° view and course rigor (which can be accomplished at the high school, as explained also by the school report counselors submit) is just a component.

I think there are threads on results for schools. Something like Class of 2024, 2025 results. You can see the types of schools kids get in, their classes taken, and ECs. It’s a small sample but it gives you some data point.

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Thanks will take a look at it when I have some time.

Thanks! I totally agree on that. The only reason I was asking was as the colleges require 4 years of English.

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I’m not up on California publics, but what we were told repeatedly was CC is a great place to get college credits, especially at the instate publics, but it’s not the place to show rigor.

If your kid has maxed out what is offered at their HS, then CC is a great place to continue their rigorous track. I hope that makes sense.

fwiw, when it comes to rigor we were told from least to most rigorous:
college prep
4 year college - be very careful taking these classes because it’s easy for a HS kid to get a bad grade.

Obviously every situation is unique, but that’s what we heard over and over.


Had another VEX Robotics competition today. They did much better than last time. That’s now the end of their competition season. All of the kids on the team (D24 included) decided they’re going to do it again next year. D26 is going to learn how to code this summer so there’s not just 1 kid on the team who knows how to do the coding.

1 of D24’s BFFs is on the team, too…BFF was talking a lot today about college. BFF’s parents want her to live at home (not live in dorm) and go to ASU. So BFF’s parents & my DH both want the same thing. :slight_smile: Whereas, here I am wanting my kid to live in a dorm freshman year! D24 and BFF said that all of their fellow 10th graders want to leave the state for college. Hey, at least they’re talking about college now, whereas a few months ago, D24 wouldn’t even think about it or discuss it…it wasn’t on the radar.

Also learned today from 1 of the Robotics coaches that Robotics coach’s DD went to ASU, but lived at home because the coach/teacher’s DD wanted a big bedroom like she had at home and didn’t want to share a ‘small’ bedroom with anybody else in a dorm. :joy: So the DD commuted and always had a hard time finding a place to park on campus. That was interesting. Just goes to show that there are options for everybody!

D24 has to do online traffic school tomorrow because she got a ticket along with the car accident 2 weeks ago. She’s not thrilled, but it’s 4.5 hr instead of 8 and it’s online instead of in person, so it could be worse. Welcome to the beginnings of Adulting 101, kiddo!

Are any of you familiar with Centre College in Kentucky? We are eye’ing that as a possibility to consider when the time comes.

Hope you all are having a great weekend.

Yes, I have one that attends Centre Feel free to ask any questions here or message me.

I have a few questions about Centre: :slight_smile:

  • Why did your child pick Centre College?
  • What does he/she like the most about it?
  • What have been some of the con’s?
  • Is the marketing hype from Centre true about professors really getting to know their students & all that?
  • What does your child like to do there on the weekends?
  • What’s your kiddo majoring in & what has been his/her experience so far in terms of getting the classes he/she needs for that major?
  • Does the size of the school feel ‘small’ at all? (D24’s sophomore class has ~34 students, just for comparison’s sake :slight_smile: )

Well, the COVID bug finally got to one of my kids. I still don’t want to have the defeatist attitude. D24 and I still aim to be COVID virgins. S21 had a headache so took two tests on Sunday and both positive. Today Brown EMS escorted him to a Marriott nearby. They’re kinda full so they doubled him up with a fellow COVID first year. But comfortable queen bed for each of them, a big space, their own bathroom, and room service. I’m hoping fever will be over by tomorrow. He’s bummed because it’s at least a week of missed classes (they do have virtual sessions but he has two labs). Hoping it’s just this week.

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My s21s friends just got Covid and went home. He missed a weekend road trip with them thank goodness.

I hope your kiddo feels better soon!