Parents of the HS Class of 2024

Given what you’ve said about the lousy teacher for physics and that she wants to do nursing, I would absolutely do the AP Anatomy junior year. I would then question if AP physics from that teacher is even wise senior year (colleges can pull acceptance for a D or F even when the senior year GPA isn’t considered for acceptance). Is there any way she could take physics at a local CC instead if she really wants physics? I really don’t think most nursing programs require AP physics at all. AP Bio, Chem, and Anatomy are perfect for showing rigor and interest.

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Hello! I am in KY and my best friend’s child just decided to go there next year. So, I can tell you what she has told me. She has toured the school and met with counselors. They love that it is small. The faculty seems to coddle the students more - if a student misses classes, a teacher will follow up and check on them. They guarantee you’ll kid will graduate in four years and if they don’t, fifth year is free. You have to live on campus all four years and the study abroad program is strong. She had about a 3.25 and a 31 ACT and got a very large endowment and is interviewing for several other scholarships. No one pays full tuition (just reputation locally).

I do not know if you know KY, but it is in the sticks. If your child needs more activity, I am not sure it is the right place. It is a very small town.

Thank you for all of that info! That’s very helpful! Being in the sticks might not be an issue for D24…having plenty to do is a concern of hers, but she’s not a “I want to live in the middle of a big city downtown and go to museums” sort of person. And from what I can tell so far, Centre seems to have a lot of events going on all the time and Danville’s ‘downtown’/Main Street is easy walking distance from campus. We’ll know for sure once we go on some college tours during 11th grade.

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That is terrible, dont know why good schools keep teachers like that. I know nothing about direct nursing programs but there are a lot of threads. Maybe worth asking on one of them if physics is an absolute must. I cant imagine that if she knows she wants nursing that she is going to go to a top 20 school (why pay for it!) but if the programs require high school physics is another question.

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Welcome to the forum!! I think course selection is in topic of the Month across all high school kids . We had a group meeting with the our school counselor where lot of parents asked similar question if Physics is needed and they said they strongly recommend 1 year of each Bio, Chem and Physics and other course beyond that is up to us. They mentioned there are colleges who ask for this. So I would check with nursing schools you are looking into.


I agree. I don’t even think physics is a nursing prerequisite. Physiology and anatomy are, as well as bio chem, chem, bio, stat.


I had “the student” respond but glad I did as I would have wrote some different things. Lol (sorry for the delay)

  1. I picked Centre because it really did check every box for me. The financial aid and scholarships were great, small class sizes, community feel, safe campus, amazing study abroad opportunities, large endowment for all sports teams, and made an effort to provide social events for everyone.

  2. I love how close I get with my professors and classmates, especially in my Centre Term classes. We really do make a little community of learning and going to class is so fun. I find my classmates and I often stay after to talk about the things we couldn’t fit in class discussion. There’s a lot of opportunities for trips both abroad and domestically. Those groups and the profs that went with us are some of my closest friends now. They are so much fun.

  3. I have found myself wishing Danville had just a bit more to do. Centre does a great job of providing social events on weekends, but it would be nice to have like a Target or some more shopping around. With that said, Lexington is only 45 minutes away, so if you/your friends have a car it’s easy to get to a bigger city. Centre also takes themselves pretty seriously, which is great for after you graduate, because you’ve had a good education with a solid reputation, but in the moment it’s definitely hard to see some other schools having a bit more fun for the same degree. For example, we don’t do syllabus weeks. Expect to be lectured to on Day 1.

  4. It is definitely true. I went on a trip with one of my professors and our seminar class. We spent the 6 hour drive there and back interrogating each other in the best way. He wanted to know about our experience in the major over the four years; we wanted to know about his new puppy and his life wisdom. At one point my classmate had him crying laughing. We all learned a lot about each other that trip.

  5. I love to go to midnight movies. The school rents out the local theater on the first weekend of the month so we can go for free. Occasionally I will go to a frat party, which are open to the whole campus (no proving you know someone lol). They are a lot of fun and comparatively safe party environments because they’re school sanctioned. They have to have sober monitors and our Department of Public Safety walks through at least twice. If I don’t feel like going to those, there’s other events like CC after dark (one time they turned the cafeteria into a roller rink). If all else fails, movies in the dorm and dinner at the Pizza Pub downtown!

  6. I’m double majoring in Economics and English. I take almost all of my Centre Terms outside of my majors and have enough wiggle room to graduate no problem. I will say with a smaller school you won’t have as many sections per course, but most are taught every 2 years or so at the very least. Your advisor will be great though and won’t let you not graduate on time (The school doesn’t want to pay for your 5th year lol). If for some reason you need something that is not taught before you graduate, there’s substitution forms you can submit to get replacement class to count.

  7. Centre is smaller than my high school, but it feels comparable in size (we have 1400 right now). It feels small sometimes in upper-level major courses, but I like that! The only time it can get uncomfortably small is that there’s really no hiding here. People are going to know who you are. I personally enjoy that type of environment. I want to know who I am going to graduate with. Some people might prefer more anonymity, though.


Thank you so much for all of that valuable info! I really appreciate it. You’ve been very helpful. We are definitely adding this college to the tour list for next school year! :grinning:

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some good news to report: D24 no longer needs the hand brace post-car-accident and she can move her thumb around normally, although it’s still a little stiff.

D24 got braces last Friday & the spacers have been really painful. 1 fell out yesterday, so we go back to the orthodontist tomorrow morning. Between D24 & D26 both with braces, we’re making a small car payment to the ortho every month now!

And so begins the long season of All Things Expensive. LOL!


Good to hear that she is getting better.

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Yeah!!! I’m so glad she’s well on her way to recover completely! Braces are definitely expensive! We get some discounts because I do some free marketing consulting for our orthodontist but even that is expensive. Just saves us on things over the years like broken retainer. Everyone got thru braces this year, thankfully. Just one more post-braces retainer adjustment in 6 months and I think we are free. It’s a weird end to such a long relationship. :joy:

D24 with permit in-hand drove to her friend’s house to pick up yesterday for an outing. I took over once we had a friend in the car. We took the long way home after D24’s last friends were dropped off. She’s pretty brave because when we got to the driveway, I asked what she wanted to do (s21 didn’t pull into the garage til a few weeks later) and she said she wanted to park the car in herself. We were in a decent sized SUV and the garage space is tight with S21’s Prius in the shared space.

Trying to see if I should have her continue to drive our EVs or have her drive the Prius since S21 will take the Prius over in the summer and that’s when she would be testing.

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@sbinaz - I’m so glad she’s getting better! I think about how scary that must have been for her. I’m impressed she wanted to park it.

My daughter also has her permit and is testing right after school lets out. For the summer, she’ll have to share our RAV4 with her brother (S22) until he goes to college. At least with the no-freshmen-with-cars thing there won’t be any question of where the car will be in the fall.

Nice that your daughter is confident to park on her own. S24 still has not started driving. He was very into it last year but this year when he can actually learn has not shown much interest.

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S24 is done with Course selection he still has chance to change when he talks to school counsellor but so far he seems to be comfortable with what he choose. I wanted him to AP LAC but based on discussion with students and the teachers he decided against and is decided to take APUSH.

SO his courses will be:
AP Cal B/C
Physics Honors
French 4 honors
American Lit
AP CSA (will do this outside of school may be even this summer)

S24 has started working as an tennis Coach as he turned 16 recently and he is very excited for it. This is his first job and so far seems to enjoy it.


D24’s school hasn’t done course selection yet for next year. Apparently it’s happening in early March, according to what the lady @ the front desk told me last Friday when I dropped D24 off at school from her orthodontist appointment. Am curious to find out what the elective options will be for the high school grades next year.

Sbinaz- happy to hear the brace is gone . One less outward reminder of the accident.

Mommalee- give at least 2 weeks on the car your testing on. We did not with S20 and although he passed the examiner commented about it. The car he tested on has a Touchy gas pedal

Radm- courses look good. We are supposed to pick soon. Although what you pick doesn’t mean you get them in our school as it’s competitive and large class size.

Good lord. What fresh hell are we dealing with on this Monday?

@birdie3 I think we would definitely need at least 2 weeks for sure. Our selections are Teslas and a Prius and the mechanism is so different from how she brakes. I have gotten caught leaving the Prius in our driveway and not turning it off because there’s no on off switch with the main car I drive. We just put in a pin (I choose the pin route so that I would remember that you have to do something to turn the engine on and off if I were to drive an internal combustion engine car) and then just leave when we are done driving the car.

Since test optional will probably be one of our biggest topics next year…

53% of male applicants submit tests cores, but only 44% of female applicants submit. :thinking:


Not surprising on the test optional stats…URM and women in all categories are much more likely to have incongruent test scores in relationship to the rigor of their academics and GPAs.


Re-enrollment has started for next year for our kids’ charter school, so I filled out the necessary online forms today for that. Hard to believe that D24 is going to be in 11th grade next year! Where did all the time go? Still no official word yet on class selection is happening for next year…I suspect it’ll be week after next.

Trimester 2 report cards came out yesterday. D24 ended up with 4 B’s, 2 A-, and 1 A. Her overall GPA so far is 3.38…which was affected a lot last year by a couple of C’s (remote learning did NOT work for her!).

There’s a practice AP exam this Saturday at school for AP European History. She’s got a B in that class right now. We’ll see how it goes this weekend!


Am I remembering right that your D’s school was the one that had kids take lots of APs starting as 9th graders or was that someone else? I was just wondering if it was you if the school published the average GPA of the kids.