Parents of the HS Class of 2025

My son got that offer too. Haven’t heard back yet.

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Its the tutoring through schoolhouse?

Yes it is! It was a little overwhelming trying to pick a tutor. There are sooooo many! We chose a girl who has done it before, and who scored an 800 on her SAT math. My son needs to focus on the math portion. He got a 550 on the PSAT 10 math. He does ok in math, had a B+ that he worked very hard for last year in Advanced Pre-Calc. I think he doesn’t have a great algebra foundation.

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My son is a peer tutor. I wasn’t familiar with the program until he received an invitation to become one (triggered by his SAT score). Like you, I’m glad I’m the one who got the email :joy: I dug in a bit and it sounds like a great program. There is a lot of support/training for the tutors.

I hear what you are saying about the pre-Calc. We made the decision to go back one year coming out of COVID and don’t regret it one minute. He had the option to drop down of honors instead but that would have done him a disservice IMO as I knew the issue was foundation, not aptitude.

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My daughter was asked if she wanted to be a peer tutor but didn’t do it.
It’s a great idea and I am looking forward to him participating. Glad to hear they train the tutors.
I wish our school had more honors classes. He decided that AP Calc would probably go too fast for him after how hard he worked last year for the B+. But the only option is regular Calculus, there is no honors, just AP.

Can he take Calc > BC? It is not uncommon for kids at our school to do AB > BC

He said there is a curriculum/slides for every day and after each lesson he will get feedback on what his students struggled with so he knows what to focus on.

My daughter is excellent in math but I think that’s a little of an issue with the SAT. She took algebra in 5th grade and I think forgot some of the super basic things. She can do the super hard equations but then has issues with very simple concepts sometimes. She’s scoring fine on the practice tests but hasn’t gotten an 800 yet even though she, in theory, should know all the concepts.

An 800 is harder than one might think. It’s a lot easier to get a 790.

She will be fine if she practices and get used to the questions. The trick at that point is making sure not even one silly mistake is made. That is the difference. The 800 kids don’t know more.


Has she tried the ACT? My daughter got a perfect score on the ACT but not the SAT (although I wouldn’t let her retake the SAT after the perfect ACT even though she wanted to). She liked the format better.

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I re-looked at the schedule and he is taking advanced Calc not regular.

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no she hasn’t. Her school has them take that spring of junior year. So maybe she’ll take it. I don’t care all that much. I may have her do the digital SAT next spring also depending on the August test goes. We just wanted her to take the paper test once since the format is different.

yes she seems to make the silly mistakes. There have been only a few where she legitimately didn’t know how to do them, the rest were silly mistakes, misreading the question etc.

How are your kids feeling about the SAT in August? Are they prepping, or going in cold? I signed D25 up for November.

We’re in NYC—headed to Fordham and Barnard this afternoon after her dance intensive is done and before an unrelated dance class. At the risk of going completely off-topic, here’s what I learned yesterday: when in NYC, “No prints!” (Please say this as Edna Mode in “The Incredibles” said, “No capes!”) Solid colors, preferably dark neutrals, although white seems ok. Subtle stripes ok. Needless to say, I’m wearing a gray t-shirt today and will not be wearing my cute flower print shirt later this week. And I should have packed summery dresses. Live and learn.

Back on topic: someone on the train asked D25 about going to college. She said maybe. I about had a heart attack. Maybe?!?!?!? Both kids are highly academic. Our family values education and expertise. College isn’t, for us, just about getting a job, but is also for learning how to critically think, engaging deeply in a wide variety of subjects, etc, etc, etc. I talked to her about it later and came to realize that she doesn’t want to be boxed in at 16, that having the option to pursue dance (or not) and to keep her options open feels really important to her. I can go with that. It’s jarring to me to be confronted by my own expectations when kiddo expresses something different. I think this process will continually humble me and force me to realize that her journey is, indeed, hers.


I’m curious to hear how she likes those schools.

My D25 is studying for the August SAT for about 20 minutes a day. She is also taking practice tests every couple of weeks. She’s doing fine with it I think. The schools she’s looking at top merit is given for anything over about a 1450 so as long as she hits that I’ll be happy. I would love for the score to be over 1500 but it’s fine if it doesn’t.


No SAT here. Our school does ACT in March (at school, all juniors do this). She is taking an elective ACT prep class this fall at her high school that runs all fall semester.


My son is signed up for a free 10 hour prep course but has not done any practice on his ow, and I suspect he won’t. Hopefully the prep course heps.

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I’ll report back about the schools after we see both. When we finished the Fordham tour today the skies opened with a downpour. We decided that since she was carrying pointe shoes and no umbrella that maybe we should postpone a self-tour of Barnard. Tomorrow?

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No one here has take the ACT. I was less familiar with it and D22 scored very well on the SAT but in hindsight the test might have suited her. S24 is a slower reader and much preferred the SAT. D25 doesn’t seem to struggle with time on her SAT practice so I think it might be worth giving the ACT a try.

She’s feeling cheated since D22 claimed supremacy in English and S24 in Math, and they keep telling her that now she is stuck with needing a 1600 to best them. Nothing like the woes of a third child and a little sibling rivalry to motivate you :joy:

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My S25 (the baby) refuses to study for the SAT. Had the same issue with my other two kids. He’s doing well in so many other areas, I’m just going to let it go. He’s a good test taker so it may work out just fine anyway.

Cold, and in September.

If the kid needs to take it again with prep, there’s always December or so, and we’re good with paying for a second test. No chance we’re going to pay for test prep classes or whatever, though.

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