Parents of the HS Class of 2025

My S took the in-school PSAT last week and said it was “all right.” No idea what that means. I doubt he will be NM so I guess doesn’t really matter at this point. He will take the in-school SAT in the spring and that’s probably it. His superscore right now is 1320.

We are putting together a little tour of several Ohio schools for spring break. It is right in the middle of track season (he is a recruited athlete) so we have to minimize travel time so he doesn’t miss any workouts.


Can I ask which schools? My sister lives in Ohio and we’re going to be visiting this spring so I’m trying to get S25 to look at some schools there. Thanks!

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We are trying to get a feel for large vs small vs urban vs rural vs STEM vs LAC. So the schools are: Case, Denison, Miami, and Centre. He has no idea what he wants to study but he is definitely leaning toward STEM or business.

Thanks! Similar situation for us. I hadn’t thought of going down to Centre, good idea!

We have the same list plus U of Dayton :slight_smile:

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So many good schools in Ohio! I will have to take a look at Dayton. I love what I hear about Cincinnati but my son probably can’t make the track cut.

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In case your students are interested.

So what time today do scores come out? lol

Ours is out. Notifications seem to lag by quite a bit but if you log in it might be there. Do t know if it’s a batch release like the SAT.

Two interesting things. The score report now gives you average for the school, state, country. It doesn’t show you number of questions missed but it shows you the category in form of a graph bar.

The other thing is that we are in NJ and the average score was bellow the national average. It could be a case of having a lot of both extremes, but I would have expected NJ to average higher than the country as a whole.

At this point, CompassPrep is giving a 1 point bump to Commanded cutoff, let’s se if it holds. The bigger the swing, the greater the change on NM cutoffs.

Thanks. D25 is disappointed in her score. She got the same exact score as last year even though her practice on the online format was 90 points higher. Weird.

I’m sorry. That stinks. I have a feeling that the D test can sometimes be inconsistent because it penalizes you for missing easy questions, so if you happen to space on an easy question on test day it really dings you.

Interesting. I think she might do better on the ACT but she isn’t talking it until February.

PSAT scores accessed, C25 has a selection index of 222.

Alaska’s PSAT scores tend to skew lower than the national average, but the number of test-takers is low enough that there can be wild swings in the cutoff year to year—but with that score the likelihood of NMSF status here is high. (And the report tells you your percentile by state and it says >99%ile, so that’s a very good sign, yes?)

All four of our kids have been really really good at standardized tests, but none of the older siblings did well on the PSAT for whatever reason (one got commended, but just barely). So this is an interesting change.


I’m not sure what type of sorcery was involved, but S25 got a selection index of 220. (in TN, which is slightly less competitive) We’re really proud of him, particularly given how scattered the kid is. He has really struggled this fall with his ADHD and his anxiety (and a touch of depression thrown in for fun), so I’m happy for him to get this little boost to his confidence.


For students getting results today, when in October did your student test? D25 took it on the 18th so I’m thinking we might not get scores until next week.

S25 took it 10/14.

Mine took it on the 26th and I swear he said results on the 9th or 10th.

14 October here.

I think anyone taking it the first half of the month gets it today.

The dates are published. Today and the 16th depending on if you took it the first or second half of October.


Congratulations. That is great to hear! Maybe the shortened format was helpful to him. I know it “doesn’t matter” but these types of confidence boosters are so helpful on a personal level.

I am curious on the states averages. Can everyone share? Maybe we can cut and paste and compile a list?

Also, how did the score compare to the schools average? I have no idea what ours was before, but an interesting new data point. It appears to be mostly in line with average SAT score for the school.

PSAT average by state:

US = 987

AK =
NJ = 959
TN =