Parent's Weekend or Homecoming? Which one is best for parents to visit?

<p>Hi All
Hubby and I were discussing which event would be best for us to attend. We don’t agree…lol</p>

<p>Hubby thinks that we should come down for Parents Weekend since many kids parents will be here already and D won’t have a lot of outside activities since so many parents will be in town.</p>

<p>I think that we should come down for Homecoming because of all the hoopla and events. But hubby thinks that D will be involved in other stuff…like Greek events or Honors College events, concerts, etc and we would be an intrusion.</p>

<p>What do you experienced parents think? Do we need an intervention?? ;-)</p>

<p>Family Weekend usually has a full weekend of scheduled family events…pool party at the Pool Complex, lunches, breakfasts, tours, etc.</p>

<p>Homecoming weekend seems more student oriented…competitions, etc.</p>

<p>Which weekend works best for you?</p>

<p>come for both??? lol</p>

<p>Darn M2CK…I hate when i have to admit that he is right!! LOL </p>

<p>I would love for us to be able to come for both, but we are planning on trying to come down for Thanksgiving since she has already told us that she won’t be coming home…because of the Auburn game - </p>

<p>Gotta love her school spirit and she isn’t even there yet!</p>

<p>Is the date for family weekend known yet?</p>

<p>2012 Family weekend dates will not be posted until later in the spring</p>

<p>Freshman year Parents Weekend, we took the tour of the Presidents Mansion. Awesome! Loved it! Don’t know if they do that for Homecoming. </p>

<p>Freshman year, son commented that Homecoming was packed and jammed, so definitely a more crowded weekend.</p>

<p>We haven’t done the Roll Tide on the River during Parents Weekend yet, but hope to do that in the next two years.</p>

<p>Just a thought…if you are considering coming on any football weekend, book the hotel NOW!</p>