Parents with Kids Choosing to go TO - Stats and Results

Daughter '23.
4.0 UW (no idea weighted)
10 AP, 2 dual enrollment, 3 college courses that were not dual enrollment
Tons of music
Prez of student council, other clubs and activities
Mid-Atlantic, semi-rural high school, qualified for quite a bit of need based aid.
No hooks
wants to do philosophy and music
Test optional. (Did not supply AP scores either)

Carleton (rejected)
Macalester EA (deferred, then rejected) - she did not help her case by neglecting to reply to a personal admissions counselor email for two months. Teenagers!
St. Olaf (accepted, merit scholarship for academics and music)
Oberlin Conservatory and College (accepted to both for dual-degree, music scholarship)
Amherst College (accepted)


S22 applied TO everywhere. 3.7 UW/4.1 W. 4 AP and all the rest honors. Attended a good public school in MA. He had below average ECs but his essays were good and I believe his recommendations were also strong (both teachers knew him well).

UMass Amherst

William and Mary
UMaryland (didn’t apply EA)


D23 UW3.55 huge trajectory in sophomore and junior year , 2 foreign languages , 6 AP, hockey player, not much EC (habitat for humanity and food bank) all advanced or honor classes, very strong in social sciences and humanities, excellent writer, had great recommendations, rigorous prep school in NE, did not do well on both ACT or SAT so we decided TO. Applied to business college at all the U or economics major to all the colleges. Showed lots of DI by touring or webinars or meeting with AO personally when they visit her prep school


Union college with $20K merit increased to $30K after June 1
Dickinson college $20K
Franklin & Marshall $20 K
Fairfield U $20K
Bentley U $20 K - attending
Trinity college
Smith college
Brynn Mawr college
Mount Holyoke
Providence College
Sarah Lawrence
Bucknell U

Boston U ED1 - deferred to RD with guaranteed sophomore transfer
Wellesley college WL

Villanova U deferred EA then reject
Babson college deferred EA then reject
Vassar college

Some of these colleges offered fly in eventhough we already toured like Vassar college and Dickinson
 Trinity also offered fly in which we didn’t tour at all but was accepted. We didn’t pursue the fly in since we already finished touring by end of summer of junior year.

Hope this help someone. Good luck to all the parents and applicants out there. It was rough for us but the end results sure was a success.


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