Parking at school

Hi all,

I am a student at the university of Wisconsin-Madison. I will be a sophomore in a few short weeks. I live in the Chicago area and have access to a family car. I’m wondering if I should bring it to school. The price for parking is $190/month which is a lot and therefore the con of the argument. For those who know Madison, do you think it’d be helpful to have a car and worth the cost of parking? I assume I’d use it to drive to and from school and to get groceries and go other places off campus. Any feedback would be awesome. Thanks!

Parent of recent alum. I would advise against a car unless there was a work or family issue that required someone to travel. With uber and delivery services, a car isn’t necessary for those kinds of errands. The hassle and expense of having a car in Madison does not seem worth it.

Thank you for this! I will not bring one because I agree, it seems to expensive especially with all of the access to transportation

Ditto the no car. You know the campus- useless on campus. You can save on car insurance also if home is far enough from UW and you do not take the car- check with your insurance.