Parking Garage 6 in the works

<p>Parking Garage 6, as it is known in the long term master plan of FSU, is moving forward. It will be located directly south of Wildwood dorms. Student fees may be increased by fifty cents a credit hour to help fund it. It will have 1000 spaces, and be built in an area that has surface parking of about 25 spaces, so a net gain of almost the full 1000. Target date of completion is 2012.</p>


<p>the construction never ends -__-
ah I guess it’s necessary. Yay more parking!</p>

<p>Given its location, I think the construction will have little impact on the campus. Not as disruptive as the Johnson Building for instance.</p>

<p>Yay! Hopefully, 2012 will be here faster than we know it! :)</p>