Parking & permits?

<p>I have a couple of questions about parking and hope someone can help me out. </p>

<p>Which parking lot should be used for Riverside West? Do I need a permit? I will be there for a couple of hours on Sunday, and again on Friday in case the day of the week matters. DS will be there for a 5 day program, but UA did not mention anything about parking in the information sent.</p>


<p>There’s a big surface lot on McCorvey Dr between the Ferg and Riverside, park there. Parking regulations aren’t in effect on weekends so Sunday isn’t an issue. And I doubt very seriously there will be any issue parking there on Friday either since it’s the summer and empty parking spots are plentiful throughout campus.</p>

<p>^^ That’s where I parked for the whole of Bama Bound, since I initially couldn’t find the correct entrance to the Ferg garage and then I just stayed put. The lot was far from full and it was never a problem. I did have the BamaBound hang tag, though.</p>

<p>So - if the tag won’t fit on rear view mirror, is it okay to leave it on the dash, or do you have to rig it with wire or whatever?</p>

<p>putting it on the dash is just fine!</p>

<p>Just a quick funny based on post above – when we visited last year, the Honors College sent us a parking pass; We could not get it on the mirror so put it on the dash… When we got back we had a ticket, which was placed right over the pass (but on outside of windshield). </p>

<p>My wife took a picture of it, and at the same time a University Police squad car drove by and I flagged him down and all he could do was laugh… He said that they did not do parking tickets, it was actually a contracted company the University used… He suggested we call instead of wasting time driving over to the office handling parking/tickets; we did, and they also laughed and said they would take care of it.</p>

<p>Of course it wasn’t funny when I first saw the ticket.</p>


<p>Wire it is.</p>

<p>Thanks! Lots of parking on the UA website map, but wasn’t sure where to go to avoid a ticket. Are permits usually required everywhere?</p>

<p>Permits are required most everywhere except for a few time-restricted spots. UA Parking Services employees [or their contractors] are very diligent about enforcing parking regulations.</p>

<p>Ok then, just one more… would anyone be available to sell me a permit on Sunday or can I order and print it online before heading down there?</p>

<p>I would just call parking services; They were very helpful when I called before my daughter bought her parking pass for this fall. They will probably tell you how to park without getting a ticket – I don’t think Sunday will be an issue - and I also think they allow “pay and park” at one of the parking decks – $5 I think.</p>

<p>You can also go into the Parking Services office on the 1st floor of the Student Services Building across from the Ferguson center and purchase a hang tag valid for most surface lots for $5/day. This works good when you know that you will be moving your car throughout the day.</p>

<p>Parking regulations are NOT in effect on weekends so you don’t need one for Sunday. And if you get to campus after 6pm on Friday then you won’t need one for that day either as parking regs are only in effect from 7am Monday to 6pm Friday.</p>

<p>Parking regs are not in effect from 6 pm to 7 am the next day, but parking stops enforcing at about 5 (usually). So after that time you can park anywhere you want, which is good for any one with organization meetings in the evening.</p>

<p>I have a job interview at the Supe store on Tuesday morning. Where do you guys suggest I park?</p>

<p>I attended a program at UA this summer. With parents picking up there were no real passes because it was early in the morning and the cars weren’t parked in spots and were parked long enough to load luggage into them. During drop off though there were activities for parents so the program gave parents paper permits. So I would check with the program director before spending money because it may already be covered.</p>

<p>I am not going to worry about Sunday and will ask about a permit for Friday then. Thanks!</p>