Parments Help! Major Problem


<p>I am having a dilemma chosing my major I need to solve quickly.</p>

<p>Ever since I traveled on a volunteer trip to the Dominican Republic I wanted to become a doctor just like the American physicians administering to the Spanish speakers in the country. I am trying to choose between the Bio-related or Spanish major and I cannot chose one! Please note: I have already finished all prerequisites for medically school and will be prepared for the MCATn and Med school reguardless of major chosen.</p>

<p>Bio Major:
-Develop scientific knowledge more deeply
-Very applicable to Med school
-about 70% med school entering class has this major
-Reccomended by Dr’s and past professors
-Enjoy subject matter
-Easily get research opportunities in science field (looks good 4 med school)</p>

-Damn near EVERY medical student is a science major
-Limits the “well-rounded” aspect of college
- Wont stand out among all bio majors applying for med school
-No guarentee on level of Spainsh proficiency</p>

<p>Spanish Major
-Unique major not often chosen (Good appeal to Med school)
-INSURES higher level proficiency in Spanish (Reading, writing, speaking on college level in Spanish-speaking countries)
-Study abroad, which I really want to do, is more easily attained (perferrably to Spain)</p>

-noted as an “easy major”
-how much Spanish is too much? (Classes in grammer, Culture, and Spainsh Works)
-not a science major</p>

<p>Thanks for your time. I have considered double majoring. Anyone done that? Thanks!</p>

<p>Pick the major that you’d enjoy the most.</p>

<p>There are only a limited number of science courses required as prerequisites for med school. Choose a major that you have some passion for-then excel in it!</p>

<p>Go with what floats your boat! (If it were me, I’d do Spanish - you are going to be doing “biology” for the rest of your life.)</p>

<p>I know of a Classical Archaeology major who went to med school. You don’t need to major in a science to get into med school. You just need very good grades in the pre-med sequence, a very good overall GPA, very good letters of recommendation, and very good MCATS. I’d say do the Spanish major - especially if you feel such a strong affinity for the subject that you are more likely to pull a better GPA.</p>

<p>Not to mention that when all of your pre-med pals are applying to overseas med schools as back-ups, you may have enough Spanish proficiency to choose better international options.</p>

<p>Wishing you all the best.</p>

<p>There have been a number of interesting articles (although I can’t seem to find them right now) that discuss medical schools looking to broaden their students to include those from the humanities. It really has to do with developing well-rounded doctors who are able to connect with people, etc. so go for whatever you would enjoy the most!</p>

<p>Yah. No matter what you study in college, chances are you’ll barely scratch the surface of what you go through in med school. A little diversity will probably be a positive, and certainly not academically hindering</p>

<p>Physician here. Go with the Spanish if it interests and you have taken the needed premed science courses. You will get all of the needed instruction to learn any additional science in medical school, but you won’t have time then to study a language. Also, if you change your mind/don’t get into medical school you will have spent your time doing something you like and can lead to a different job. Premed is only an intention, not a major. Knowing Spanish is an asset. Double majors are always fine if you want to meet the reqs of both.</p>

<p>Major in Spanish, it’s likely to be useful to you in your life as a doctor. Do enough biology so that you can do some summer work in a medical field.</p>

<p>Why not both?
I liked math and French, and got undergrad degrees in both… And I’ve used both experiences…</p>

<p>Would you be able to minor in the area that you don’t decide to major in?</p>

<p>If you can double major, graduate on time, keep your grades up and maintain your sanity, go for it.</p>

<p>If you must choose, I come down in favor of the Spanish major for several reasons. Most have been stated above. Another thought: you will have through the rest of your life the pleasures and opportunities afforded by that the second language proficiency and cultural knowledge.</p>

<p>Remember though that language majors do not just work on the spoken language and grammar/writing. You get into heavy literature courses in the language, poetry analysis, term papers etc. Make sure you are game to spend a lot of time reading the classic literature of Spain and Latin America. Read through all the upper level course descriptions. A Spanish minor with study abroad might be more interesting for to you</p>