<p>How easy is it to find a part time job on campus if you are not on work-study?</p>
<p>I’ve seen a ton of opportunities to get part time jobs, though they all say “work study preferred.” It’s not that hard though, it’s just that some jobs are more entertaining than others. I think they have a whole list of opportunities at the career center in the Student Union?</p>
<p>bump? </p>
<p>is it really not that hard to find non-work/study jobs on campus?</p>
<p>I recall someone on this forum saying that USC has a hiring freeze. Nevertheless, I sense that there are jobs for work-study students as part of their financial aid package. I also sense it is very hard to find a part time job if you are not on work-study. Maybe I am expecting too much given the economy, but I think USC should have plenty of opportunities to work for those students who are not on work-study.</p>
<p>From my experience, its very hard to find a non-work study job although it is possible. At the beginning of the semester, USC hosts a job fair and you can find non-work study jobs although your options are much more limited. Campus Cruiser usually hires during the beginning of the semester and pays pretty well (something like $12/hour), they don’t require work study. If you don’t mind driving people around, thats something to look into.</p>
<p>Can you elaborate a little more on what Campus Cruiser is or provide a website for me War Chant? Thanks a lot.</p>
<p>Campus Cruiser is the “taxi service” for students during the night time. Basically, people call in asking to be taken someone and a cruiser picks them up and drops them off to where they want to go.</p>
<p>[USC</a> Auxiliary Services | Transportation | Campus Cruiser How To](<a href=“http://transportation.usc.edu/transit/cruiser_howto.aspx]USC”>http://transportation.usc.edu/transit/cruiser_howto.aspx)</p>
<p>I wish USC would explore ways to make part time jobs related to a students’ academic interests for non-work-study students as well as work-study. What is important is getting “experience” for applying for internships/job upon graduation.</p>
<p>what other part-time jobs are available on campus that aren’t workstudy?? and any advice on how to get a non-workstudy part-time job?</p>
<p>At the job fair, they have a packet with all the non-work study jobs. They do exist, just in a considerable less amount than work study.</p>
<p>What job fair are you talking about? My son filled out many applications when he came to USC in August 2008. He has relevant work experience. Is there another job fair? When is the next job fair with this packet you are talking about? Thank you for your info.</p>
<p>The job fair happens at the beginning of the year, usually like a day or two after move in. The issue is that with workstudy the job only pays half of the salary, so it’s easy on the budgets, especially in academic departments.</p>
<p>Usually students can find non-workstudy jobs through Auxiliary services (Housing, Dining, Transportation, Bookstore). I also think the libraries hire non-workstudies.</p>
<p>if you have work-study, do they let you continue after you pay your dues or do they “fire” you to let other work-study students work.</p>