<p>Any other CCers work part-time during the school year? If so, where do you work, and do you find it hard to balance school and work? And do colleges frown upon students who work part-time?</p>
<p>I say this because I haven't noticed a lot of academically-inclined students who have part-time jobs, and I can see why. I work Wednesdays and Fridays, and while Fridays are fine Wednesdays are killer. I wake up at 5:45, go to school, go to clubs, go to work, and get home at 10:30 PM to be greeted by lots of homework...and then when I finally finish everything I need to do (usually at 1 or 2 AM) I pass out. :P I guess the easiest solution would be to stop going to my Wednesday clubs, but I'm an officer in all three of them so they're kind of unmissable. My teachers aren't very understanding either; I've asked for a couple extensions because of work and they always say I'm "a student first." That's true, of course, but try telling that to my manager. Organizing umbrella hats always takes priority over grades.</p>
<p>Any tips on how to manage school and work? I'm getting very worried too, because for the holidays the store where I work stays open until 10, which means God knows when I'll get home - and, worse yet, it means another hour of terrible Christmas songs (I heard a bad cover of "Last Christmas I Gave You My Heart" twice in ten minutes last time I worked)! I need some stress relief tips, stat.</p>