Part-Time PSEO Student

Hey guys! I was wondering if anyone has experience with Part-Time PSEO, a dual-enrollment program. I was planning on doing Multivariable Calculus 1st Semester and Linear Algebra an Differential Equations 2nd Semester. My big concern is balancing PSEO with AP Chem, Spanish, English 12, Comp Sci A or Principles and possibly Bio. Thank!


It is a hard question to answer since everyone needs a different amount of time to study , do homework etc no matter how easy/hard a class is. It sounds like your an excellent math student. Chances are your a bright student and do fine.

Some things to consider - where is the school in terms of travel time to/from - is it right after school or at night.? Do you need to pay for the class or book and if so is that an issue. Will taking de class stop you from a ec you want to continue taking. Is there an in school math option and what would you drop to take it.

Also I wonder since your schedule will be so tight if you will have time to meet with TA or prof when needed. But PSEO is a great opportunity.

@mom2twogirls I’ve figured out transportation since my school is VERY close to the campus, my school will also pay for the books and cover the cost, and it will not affect my extra-curriculars since it’s in the night and my ECs are usually right after school or in the morning (plus it’s either going to be on Monday’s and Wednesday’s or Tuesday’s and Thursday’s).
@CheddarcheeseMN I think I would have time to be able to meet with my TA or prof