Parties at Cornell

<p>yeah... they sell them at</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>my cornell shot glass is crisp and ready to go! lol</p>

<p>haha you guys rock</p>

<p>I got mine from the Cornell store online, which I found by searching "Cornell store" on the Cornell website</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>so the conclusion is is that there is nothing else but frat parties. is there a list at most of these parties. if there is that would be stupid</p>

<p>No way, no list. I go to a fair number of frat parties and I'm still in HS. You probably won't have problems regardless, but if you want to have a sure way to get in you should be a girl, go with girls or know someone in the frat.</p>

<p>I can't picture frat guys being organized (or sober) enough at parties to have a list lol</p>

<p>Is anyone joining a frat/sorority?</p>

<p>I doubt it. I don't even know what "rush" is. lol But I suppose if I found a really nice group of people in one sorority, it could happen..</p>

<p>I'm joining a frat. It's rush week as we speak. In fact, I'll let you know where I end up joining (unless something cataclysmic occurs and I end up not getting in anywhere...a very unlikely event).</p>

<p>I <3 sororities...but there are like none at Cornell! :( No fair...I'm starting my own.</p>

<p>i thot greek life was huge at Cornell. i sure there's a good number of sororities...
then again i havent done research on that topic</p>

<p>Greek life is huge for the guys...I think there's something like 50ish frats and around 10 sororities!</p>

<p>wow...yeah, there's almost no sororities. heh...</p>

<p>I think I might join a frat. Any word on what the different ones are like. Like what are the "best" ones and what type of people gravitate toward each? You dont have to go into all, like, 50 but just some highlites</p>

<p>I kind of want to join a sorority...I feel like it would be really fun</p>

<p>i'd join a sorority, but i think im going to get a position as an RA. Then room is paid for me...^_^</p>

<p>Frat parties are the most numerous and the easiest to get into at Cornell but there are alot of "other" parties that you can go to if you know the right people. There are also "Stepping Out" parties and other events that are actually thrown on campus that you can go to if "wet" parties aren't your thing. So don't feel like frat parties are the only form of entertainment.</p>

<p>isolated location=lots of parties</p>

<p>there's 12 sororities, that's PLENTY. trust me. i just spent the past two days walking to all of them in the negative degree weather and it was sooo fun but so horrible at the same time.</p>