
<p>Are there some parties at U of Chicago? normal college parties? i would assume there are less than most colleges, and i dont mind that, but it would be nice to know there are a few.</p>

<p>Do you really think there's a college this side of Bob Jones that DOESN'T have "normal college parties"?</p>

<p>I think it is safe to say you'll be able to catch a hang at a normal part-ay with buds....and perhaps with bud.</p>

<p>During my visit I went to a party, well- a social gathering with lots of drinking</p>

<p>I'm in college and I have visited a lot of my friends and obviously been to parties on their schools. Usually every party has a lot of beer, some other drinks, is in a frat or someones house (frat ones tend to be a lot bigger), and with a decent sized party you can almost always find someone smoking pot and doing other types of drugs. People hook up with random people, genreally without the slightest introductions, and that can either last a couple of minutes, or lead to them leaving the party or going to a smaller room. Not everyone is drunk but most are. There are definately various games such as beer pong and people are generally really nice. Everyone is there to have a good time and they show *it. </p>

<p>How do UChicago parties compare to this? I assume its all the same. Most of us are 18-21 and look forward to exploring the world (or people) and trying new things as we are given this new freedom. I don't think having an intellectual student body is going to change that.</p>

<p>University Ave. is known as "Frat Row" for a reason...</p>