<p>I've heard that Vassar has a pretty huge party scene? Is this true? If you're someone who doesn't drink/do drugs, will you find a place at Vassar?</p>
<p>I've heard that most men at Vassar are gay...is there any dating scene at all for straight girls?</p>
<p>Hey there! I’m a straight female who is currently quite happy at Vassar. I have a boyfriend whose also a Vassar student and don’t drink, smoke, or do drugs… so I guess I’m a pretty good counterexample of what you’re asking about :).</p>
<p>But seriously… there is definitely a fair amount of partying at Vassar, on weekends. That being said, I don’t think the partying that goes on is any greater in scope than the partying at your “typical” liberal arts college (and it’s definitely not partying of the “frat type,” because we don’t have Greek life). Nor is partying with alcohol mandatory. The majority of Vassar students may drink (and from my experience, the majority of college students drink at least a little bit); however, you’ll find plenty of people who don’t and plenty of things to do besides drink (there’s also no pressure to drink or do drugs). The school and the student organizations do a pretty good job of providing entertainment on the weekends… there’s always movie nights, all-college dances (alcohol is either not served at all or available only to those students of age), musical/dance/theatrical venues put on by students and/or outside artists, lectures, and themed dinners put on by student clubs, to name a few.</p>
<p>In addition, dating at Vassar is indeed possible, regardless of your sexual orientation. Although there is a sizable, vocal population of LGBT students on-campus, there are also plenty of straight men and women. I would say, for straight females, the trick isn’t so much to find a straight guy (there are lots), but to find one interested in a relationship. There are guys who fit this category, of course, but there are also a lot of guys (particularly as freshmen) who are interested in “testing the waters” first before getting into dating. To answer your question as succinctly as possible, there is a dating scene at Vassar as well as plenty of straight men.</p>
<p>The party scene really isn’t that big. I go out and party but i feel like when i do go out i see the same kids all the time. I’d say that more kids probably stay in on a friday/saturday night an watch a movie with friends or just hang out then drink and wander to the mug/th’s/villard room party. However, I think that you find friends who have similar interests and enjoy whichever path you chose.</p>
<p>A couple of my straight guy friends are have found relationships on campus, granted it is much harder, but not at all impossible, if you are female</p>
<p>My son is a freshman. He prefers not to party so he’s on a wellness floor in his dorm. The others on his floor are like-minded. That said, he also goes to parties on campus and drinks soda. No one bothers him about it. He’s also straight and most of the others he knows are too. Parties are pretty much limited to Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays.</p>
<p>i am a current freshman at vassar and live in vassars “party dorm” lathrop. it is no different that any other dorm except that its old. i find myself chilling with a group of friends on friday nights in my room or going to a show or something. there is partying however, if you go to the TA or TH you will surely find a party or two going on.<br>
also each dorm on campus sponsors a party each semester. those do not allow alchohol though. as for relationships a lot of my friends have tried to maintain their relationships at home but 1 by 1 they are breaking up. as a guy there are a lot of girls there that want boyfriends i feel. while im not a girl and can’t give you a defintitive answer most of my male friends are strait. i do have some gay friends but it is not true that all men are gay. girls dont fret too much!</p>