Party scene

I applied to UofA under the impression that ASUwas the only party school in Arizona, but alas I have discovered this is not true. I want to stay sober in college (multiple personal reasons) but I have NOTHING against people who choose to party. I will go to parties but just won’t drink. My worry is that I will feel isolated and left out because there doesn’t seem to be much to do besides drink and that is a big part of the culture there. Can anybody enlighten me on this? Thanks!

Alcohol and drug abuse are serious problems at just about every university in the country. Arizona is likely no better or worse than ASU or any other large public university, including Creighton, Washington, and Marquette (other schools you seem to have applied to). Most students at both schools study hard. Some at both schools party hard. Some at both schools shouldn’t even be in college. Some at both schools would excel even at an Ivy-league school.

You won’t have any problem finding like-minded students. Be true to yourself and don’t bend to peer pressure. Join some clubs to meet people outside of bars and parties.

Thank you, this helps!

My freshman in a dorm has found a lot of LACK of partying, lack of social life at UA. And non-Greeks are not invited to Greek parties. Half of the rushes are rejected. So you are left with hoping to find people in your dorm (but no one participates in dorm events) or finding a club (of which, there are usually a small amount of attendees). Parties may be off-campus, but how do you find them? You shouldn’t have any problem focusing on academics. My son’s roommate is a jock who is super cool and sociable and he is transferring to ASU for more social life.