Party School??

<p>Dartmouth seems like a fun, intellectual school. But when I visited, the college seemed full of frat-rats and a really big greek-party school. </p>

<p>Were these impressions correct??</p>

<p>I was not under the impression that "fun, intellectual school" and "really big party school" were mutually exclusive terms</p>

<p>No one at sophmore summer is partying this week during midterms</p>

<p>Dartmouth has tons of intellectial fun students, but there are plenty of parties as well.</p>

<p>I think that the difficulty of the course work precludes Dartmouth being a true "party school." My impression is that it's just not cool to carry on about how hard your classes are -- the kids have fun, study and skip sleep, I think.</p>

<p>you are terribly naieve if you don't realize that just about every college in the united states is, to some extent, a party school. that does not mean that serious work is not taking place at most of those schools.</p>

<p>bottom line- you can on any night find a game of pong / group of people hanging out throughout campus</p>

<p>however if you want to avoid it you very much can, although I wouldnt reccomend it</p>

<p>wed/fri/sat nights always have fun stuff to do from greeks to off campus</p>

<p>mondays are fairly popular as well</p>

<p>do some people get after it every night? absolutly
are they the majority? no</p>

<p>i would say that the overall scene is that its there if you want it and people like it that way. You can study all week knowing that the weekend will be a blast or study all weekend if you have something monday, and know that you can go out monday night and find something fun to do.</p>