Pass/fail option... too late?

Hi just finished my first year at my university and received a D in Calculus I. I am also on the baseball team at my school and I am studying computer science. Being on the baseball team I had to miss many classes due to games. I was wondering if it’s still possible for me to change the grade of my Calculus class to Pass/fail instead of receiving the D on my transcript since it is drastically bringing my gpa down and its not a core class. My school policy is that you can only take a class as Pass/fail if it’s not a core class but I’m just confused if I am still able to do it after I had received the grade?

After the course has ended? As far as I know, it’s got to be by the deadline a few weeks into the sermester.

Is it possible to stop quit baseball to prevent this from happening again each year?

That is a question that only your school can answer. It has to do with their specific policies.

It would seem to me that calculus would be a core class. If so, according to what you stated, you couldn’t make it pass/fail anyways.