<p>I'm going to be a junior in high school and as of now this is my schedule
Physiology H
AP English lit
Math Analysis H
French 3 CP ( only CP offered)
AP Biology
Unscheduled 7- tennis practice
So I only have 3 APs while lots of kids have 4 or 5... (The only reason is they are in an accelerated language, which scheduling conflicts in middle school prevented me from having) should I keep only 3 with physiology and the prospect of gaining admission to the advanced anatomy (only class in the nation with cadaver dissection) or take chem or physics AP ?? I'm going to try and take 7th period physics AP but I might not get in... I want to go to a top tier school but will my lack of junior year APs make me look lazy I don't know??? Any advice would be appreciated... Thank you!!</p>
<p>The schedule’s hard enough compared to your school, so I wouldn’t worry.</p>
<p>I mean, I opted not to take AP US History II (although I took APUSH I) and I’m still confident I’ll get in somewhere very nice.</p>
<p>Lots of kids on CC and at your school might have 3 or 4 APs, but nationally, about 50% even take one.</p>
<p>It seems as if you’re already taking the highest in all your classes- and I’m sure if your Honors classes had AP, you would go for those. Its your Jr. Year, and colleges will appreciate that you snatched up the hardest classes.</p>
<p>If you have a specific goal in mind and taking physiology would help achieve that, then that is what you should do over an AP.</p>
<p>Dude, cadaver dissection in high school? That’s the chance of a lifetime. Stay in physiology.</p>