Passionate about Yale

Hey, I have a question for anyone who can give me a straight answer. I have been looking through many different YouTube videos and have heard many people say that colleges like Yale look for a student who can be passionate about one thing. They do not look for someone who just randomly puts numerous amounts of clubs on their application. I was wondering if someone could tell me if this is true or not and if it is, does this sound like someone who is passionate about science/engineering.

My high school experience

  • 3.7 GPA
    -Chess Club
    -Cricket Club
    -Chemistry Club
    -Robotics Club
    -CAD Club
    -Intro to engineering class
    -VESTED(Engineering Program)
    -Varsity Track Sprinter/Jumper
    -Planning to start my own engineering club
    -Former Web Program Trainee
    -Jazz Band Drummer
    -Concert Band Drummer(Former)
    -Planning on getting a summer internship for engineering

Thank you all for your time!

I believe this to be neither true nor false. Some Yale students may be passionate about one thing. Far more have more varied interests.

Randomly doing anything with respect to your application is probably a poor choice. Having wide-ranging interests is not a poor choice.

Instead of youtube, how about what Yale says?

Few adults expect high school kids to have developed true passions. But the tippy top colleges do expect a level of thinking and drive that leads you to well-considered, purposeful actions. None of the tippy tops ask for unilateral.

Depth and breadth. What you’ve listed is just the names of activities, not what you did, how you think, who you are.

Why don’t you post this under “Chance Me”? You’ll get a lot more responses.

My recommendation to you is to apply to Carnegie Mellon’s SAMS program and MIT’s MOSTEC program. Seek out summer enrichment opportunities that will help you stand out as a student. Additionally, seek to strengthen you engineering focus in any way you can. Best of luck.

Overall I do believe that statement to be true. The passion part of your premise comes from your written essay and not necessarily the clubs or athletic events you participated in however. Remember they want to get to know you. Who you are you as an individual and if written well, your passion will come through in your essay about yourself.

A student needs to show GREAT TALENT in one area, not bunches of clubs. Compete nationally in Google Science Fair and Intel ISEF.

3.7 GPA is not going to impress.