Past mistakes affecting my present and future [in France]

Guys is there anyway for me to move to austria or Germany to start again my undergraduate with my scores ?

Not really, bc you didn’t study German at all and you have a bac ES.
What you CAN do is apply through Parcoursup Procédure Complémentaire to attend a Year0 in STEM. It’s especially designed for non S students who want to study STEM, it covers all the pre-reqs and from there you can apply to IUT in Engineering. From IUT you can apply to Grande École d’ingénieurs. Any Ecole will have exchange programs with the US, some will have double degrees.
If you want to feel like you’re not in regular France, perhaps you can do it in Martinique or Réunion? Or at least change regions: apply to Pau or Montpellier, Poitiers, Limoges and Champollion…

This is a hard one to get into
But these should be okay
Therr are probably others.
Stay away from anything hors Parcoursup as these programs WILL NOT be recognized by universities and ecoles.

Well… parcoursup closed…
Martinique réunion would be awesome… is that still possible even without parcoursup? Is going to the universities and apply manually possible?

Thank you

Parcoursup is not closed – as i said above you’d be part of the complémentaire, which begins early June.
And the search option (recherche de formatlon) is open right now.
You can start looking for programs theough the “searxh function” page- the 3 above would count as one voeu (same listing, 3 different places =1). Look up année zero science, mise à niveau maths, etc.

So during the initial phase; I’ve applied to Toulouse and Toulon. It says I’m on the sector but I live in Grenoble which is weird….

During the période complémentaire, is there still any chance for me to get universities outside of my city which is Grenoble?
I would love Guadeloupe or any other southern cities… but do they require very high grade or is it negotiable

I don’t know how parcoursup works for getting out of your home city, is it hard ?

Apply to Guadeloupe, you never know.
Anything that’s indicated as “contingenté” or “sélectif” is transnational, it doesn’t matter where you live. So you can apply to any IUT or Year0Science without penalty. Anything that’s 95%+ in taux d’accès is supposed to prioritize students from the program’s region (similar to public universities accepting more instate students in the US) BUT in many areas all available spots aren’t taken, so it’s worth trying, especially for Guadeloupe.

Can I, during phase complémentaire put Médecine? Because médecine is a licence in France so it’s not selective right? ( I’m not saying that I will succeed because I have bad science grades but I’m just asking if there are any chances for me to be accepted or it’s impossible because it’s selective )

for the past 2 years, licence has become selective. You could apply for something called LAS (with law or English as a main subject and a premed minor) but only the top 2-3 students get to go on and the odds of this being you since you’ve not taken the new advanced science subjects in biology, chemistry, and physics that other students will have taken, are nil. In addition, you would only be admitted at the university nearest your hometown (ie., where your high school was). So… not worth it.
Apply to Guadeloupe/Martinique and Réunion though.
For instance, type Saint Denis Réunion 974 and see what pops up, then apply to BTS industriel, IUT, Année préparatoire études scientifiques.
Same for Guadeloupe and Martinique.
Make sure to include at least 2 “voeux” with a 95% taux d’accès.

But beside of this… I feel extremely anxious about re stating college at 22… is it a shame? All of my
Friends are in master right now… I really hope to get my acceptance at Toulouse…

And I also heard that the degrees in Martinique and réunion do not have the same subjects as the one in the metropole so will it be a problem In the future ? Is studying in those islands a very bad idea ?

Frankly, to adults, you’ll just look “young”. Professors in France don’t know a thing about students, often not even their name to call on in class, so no one will know how old you are.
Did you actually look up Parcoursup using the terms I listed?
Because yes Martinique/Guadeloupe/Réunion do not offer ALL the subjects you can find in mainland France but if you find the subjects you want there’s no difference between them and other universities.
Now, you said you WANTED to study far away from mainland France which is why I suggested Martinique, Guadeloupe, and Réunion.
You CANNOT just apply to just one program anymore. You have to use all 10 programs to have a shot.

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