Past problems...

<p>I was wondering how much of an impact a bad semester (and a potential disciplinary action involved situation) would have?</p>

<p>Was it a suspension or a bad semester, or both? What was the nature of the disciplinary action? Had your record at that school been strong otherwise? Are there teachers there who would write recs for you. We need to know much more.</p>

<p>In the past my grades weren’t so good. I wasn’t suspended or anything but it had to do with me falling in the wrong group of people and being involved in a sitiuation where someone was caught setting off an alarm.</p>

<p>If your references from your new school are good and you have turned yourself around, you should be fine at many (not all) schools. There are some schools that won’t touch a potential “problem” and some that are very willing to take a chance on someone who has shown a big improvement.</p>

<p>I personally suggest maybe mentioning the`situation in an essay. The best way I can express myself is through and essay, thats why I love that part of the application process. I know for a face the St Pauls application makes you write about a situation you made a mistake in and how you handled it.</p>

<p>Thats how I would approach the situation personally.</p>

<p>yeah, i think in most applications they have an area asking if you’ve ever been suspended or taken out of school for an extended period of time and they give you a couple lines to say what you have to say.</p>

<p>I think that if you can effectively convey to them in your application, and in your interview, that you have been working hard to move away from the suspension issue…they will look past it too.</p>


<p>I really actually never saw that on any of my applications, I think that’s for the principal to fill out.</p>

<p>lol. cool. i would think it would effect it. im wondering, how the heck did you even get caught setting off the fire alarm? (someone should do that everyday at my school)</p>

<p>My school had ink shoot out if the fire alarm was ever pulled. Only reason I know, is because the girl got caught due to having a blue hand. =)</p>

<p>Aww! A golden opportunity and the school passed it up! Why on earth did they use blue ink instead of red???</p>