<p>btw, how come each test is losing a section?
like, one test doesn't have section 2, another doesn't have section 4....etc
is it b/c they want to take out the experiment section?</p>
<p>kennyk616: Yes, the missing section is the experimental section</p>
<p>I think the test with 7 sections is an old SAT. The only old SAT I've seen on the internet was copyrighted in 2003. If thats the test, I can provide the answers. But, for some reason, I can't download it to see.</p>
<p>tapedDuck, try this one. (I'm stuck of that file hosting problem... They stop working occasionally.)
<a href="http://putstuff.putfile.com/38336/7247583%5B/url%5D">http://putstuff.putfile.com/38336/7247583</a></p>
<p>Thank you, stupetrified. Maybe you should start a new thread so that these don't get buried again... lots of people look for these tests. Here are the solutions to the seventh test:
<a href="http://putstuff.putfile.com/38733/183056%5B/url%5D">http://putstuff.putfile.com/38733/183056</a>
Even if it is and OLD SAT, it is still very useful.</p>
<p>Are these seven the only Real SATS that are available in electronic format? I've found many non-real SATs, but I've never found anymore Real ones than the seven posted here.</p>
<p>thanks i needed these. =)
by the way does anyone have an answer key for this test?
<a href="http://putstuff.putfile.com/39047/8234114%5B/url%5D">http://putstuff.putfile.com/39047/8234114</a></p>
<p>are these different than the ones in the blue book?</p>
<p>Yes, these are all different from the Blue Book... mostly from online course</p>
<p>I think I have the answers to that test, realitylapse, just need to find them</p>
<p>awesome tapedDuck!
do you happen to have anymore real sats?</p>