Patterns in Lang MC answers

<p>Oh God...I got BOTH E,D,C,B,A and A,B,C,D,E patterns throughout the test. </p>

<p>Mother of God.</p>

<p>I actually think I got something like that. I also got lots of B’s and a lack of E’s. I wouldn’t worry too much about it.</p>

<p>i remember getting an a,b,c,d,e pattern at one point and i think i got a lot of d’s (or maybe it was a different letter, i don’t remember)</p>

<p>I definitely got an ABCDE, 3 As, and 3 Bs.</p>

<p>There was a shortage of Es and a surplus of Ds for me. A and B stayed in the range of statistical variation I would expect from random selection.</p>

<p>It seemed like there were almost no E answers to me too. The left and right side of the answer columns were similar though.</p>

<p>ABCDE thank yes yay. I hate when I play guitar hero with my scantron and I see some really easy pattern like that.</p>

<p>omg, i got the E,D,C,B,A one too!!! I was getting paranoid about it</p>