Patterns on ACT

<p>Does the ACT have perpetual patterns like the SAT?</p>

<p>great question.</p>

<p>patterns are alleged to occur in the advertising for Lazy student's way but that's questionable</p>

<p>From your practice experience, are the patterns, if they exist, easily identifiable? This is a standardized test after all; it should have patterns.</p>

<p>What sort of "patterns" do you mean? imo the ACT is very predictable in terms of questions/content, but maybe you mean something else..</p>

<p>there are NO patterns on the ACT's. correct your statement, standardized tests do not have patterns. Usually the only time there are patterns on a test is when a high school teacher creates them. </p>

<p>Trust me on this...I asked my now former high school bio II teacher when I was freaking out about the ACTs. :)</p>

<p>My statement is not wrong. They are obliged to ask similar questions on every single test, since ACT is a standardized test. The ACT's patterns are just not as straightforward as those of typical high school tests/quizes.</p>

<p>BY saying that there are no patterns, you are nullifying the entire purpose of ACT prep, which clearly implies that material on the ACT gets repeated on every single sitting. Also, the way questions are posed are very similar. Read some Princeton Review.</p>

<p>I think the others meant that there are no patterns in the answer bubbles - for instance, all the answers are A (not true!). </p>

<p>Besides the similar material tested on the exam, there are no patterns in the answer bubbles.</p>

<p>digital elf-</p>

<p>how about making your first post less ambigous (or clarifying your question), because everyone here doesn't know if you meant answers or questions having a pattern. </p>

<p>And DON'T YOU DARE tell me to read Princeton Review because I've read it, I've taken a Kaplan ACT Prep Course, and took my ACT's twice, and I'm in college now. I know the format of the ACT's backwards and forwards because my instructor reiterated it so much. </p>

<p>Also, in your response to me, you answered your own question, so I don't see the point in asking the same question (unless you're doubting the claims from ACT prep).</p>

<h2>The format is the same on every ACT test, for example, in English, you have to know about redundant phrases, run-ons, and pronoun-antecedent agreement. If that's what you meant..then you've got your answer.</h2>

<p>And if I were you...I would watch my mouth and listen to those who have already taken it and get their advice since they've already gone through ACT hell. I think if you clarify your questions and not attack those who misunderstood your question, you'll find that a lot more people will be willing to help you. </p>

<p>Best of luck on the ACT's</p>

<p>Alright, take it easy. I wasn't attacking anyone.</p>

<p>"Read some Princeton Review."</p>

<p>um...yeah you did attack me btw.</p>

<p>Oh my, lets not get so worked up here...</p>

<p>I just want a little respect that's all. If you want someone's help with something, being rude doesn't help you get your way. I misunderstood the OP's question and I was attacked. </p>

<p>But I forgive the OP because he/she is in high school and doesn't know any better than to mouth off at someone who's been there and done that and I even wished him/her luck on the ACTs.</p>

<p>If you guys expect to be taken seriously by your future professors (since you're college bound) and future employers, learn good manners and show some respect for those who are older and wiser than you. They will more than likely be willing to look out for you and sing your praises if you show them some decency, than if you are a wiseacre. ;)</p>

<p>Now, you made quite a few attacks in that one. What makes you think that you are wiser than me? Usually, people who make such claims do this due to insecurity and due to contrary facts. Because I said "Read Some Princeton Review"? Many brilliant professors could have made the same statement. Plus, I said it for your potential benefit. How can a truly wise person get mad at that? For the rest, how can you judge me so wholly based on a little post and not based on widely representative encounters?</p>

<p>Answer that. Your claims are invalid.</p>


<p>you're telling me to read Princeton Review for my benefit?? Why don't you read post 8 again since you STILL don't understand my point. </p>

<p>I never claimed I was wiser than you, now you are just twisting my sentences around. Maybe I'm wiser than you in the subject of the ACT's because if you really were wiser than me, you wouldn't ask the question you originally asked. And if you're asking that kind of question, you obviously have never taken it before. And based on your thread "Speaking Prodigy" you have a habitual pattern of asking questions you already know the answer to. </p>

<p>Also, if you really were wiser than me (which you are indirectly stating) than you should be able to write questions that are coherent and not ambigous. You would be helping other people out on this board rather than attack those who have taken the ACTs already and are trying to help those who have to take this unfortunate test (and I was trying to help you, but now I wished I hadn't because I now have to take the time to defend myself from a high schooler rather than focus on more important things like my Calc exam on Monday). </p>

<p>"For the rest, how can you judge me so wholly based on a little post and not based on widely representative encounters?"---> You're basically looking for a fight on this one because your ambigous question could be taken in different ways and don't you TRY telling me that your question wasn't ambigous. We're not mind readers here, so you should elaborate on your question or reword it.</p>

<p>You really think you're wiser than me, huh? How about you come shadow with me at Michigan State University and see what college life is really like. See the workload, and my psych class of 576 students, and how much you have to read. Obviously you've never been to college since you're taking the ACTs. You just think it's going to be an easy four years with professors spoon feeding you information and having your grade on a silver platter like your high school teachers did for you. And trust me, AP's aren't the same as real college level classes except for the content being the same.</p>

<p>And many brilliant professors would tell me to read Princeton Review? <em>laughs</em> So now you think you're comparing your wise self to a professor? How about you actually speak with a professor who got his Ph.D from Georgia Tech (like my psychology prof) or my Political philosophy professor who got his Ph.D. from Harvard? Or even better, how about you finish high school, go to college, then to grad school and become a professor? If you actually are comparing your wiseness to a professor, than you honestly need to grow up and get a reality check. You NEVER EVER compare your intelligence and wiseness to a professor, EVEN WHEN YOU'RE NOT IN HIS PRESENCE. That to me shows that you don't have any respect for anyone, you don't have the maturity to go to college, and you need to grow up.</p>

<p>AND DON'T YOU EVEN DARE try putting my intelligence down since you have no idea how hard I worked in high school and right now in college. And since you're so concerned about prestige at other schools and what jobs make the most money based on your other posts on other forums, DON'T YOU EVEN DARE TRYING TO PUT DOWN MY UNIVERSITY. You have no idea what I went through during my senior year and my summer. </p>

<p>You know what, I forgive you. I suppose you just don't know who you're messing with, though I do wish you, who will only have any real power while ARGUING WITH ME OVER THE INTERNET LOL, would have said some of the stuff you said to me to my face.</p>

<p>I realized that I should clarify my post after I edited it. I'm not the wisest person since I have not experienced the situations those who are older than me have experienced. I'm still learning who I am and what my purpose in this world is. But I do consider myself wiser than the average high school student since I'm way beyond high school now and I already experienced what it was like and have learned from it. </p>

<p>Therefore, to say that you are wiser than me is just boorish. How can you be wiser than someone who has experienced more than you? You've only proven to me that you are immature, rude, disrespectful, and arrogant. Do you always assume that you're smarter than everyone else just because you use phrases that sound like a college textbook? Let me tell you that if you ever used the rhetoric that you used in your posts to your professors, they would laugh at you. Also, assuming that you're more intelligent than your professor by using that rhetoric (most professors do not use that kind of rhetoric. They are concise and use language that is understandable.) will not lead to a higher grade. </p>

<p>So why do you think you're wiser than me?</p>

<p>Hey Smurfette2692, ure full of ure self. Get a life</p>

<p>first off digital elf and I made up, so why don't you actually read the threads before you start attacking my character. And if you don't believe me, then either search the Speaking Prodigy thread and read the last page, or PM him. You should also retract your statements now that you know this info. Digital elf and I moved on, and now you should too. </p>

<p>And believe me, I'm not full of myself. I'm far from it. I don't ask how I can get a higher score than <em>insert very high sat score here</em>. (Not accusing you of doing it...just proving my point.) And actually I'm not angered by what you said. I really couldn't care less. Keep insulting me because you're words don't mean a thing to me. Your behavior is childish and very immature. I used to always care about what people thought about me (even people who didn't know me like you) and now that I'm more mature, I don't care anymore. </p>

<p>May your life be filled with lots of success, good health, and happiness. :)</p>

<p>Alright ok good. I'm not trying to insult your university btw. I just got annoyed when I felt you were condescending.</p>

<p>ok is there a way to get this thread locked so other people who don't have the same info don't end up insulting me?</p>