Patterson Scholarships -Amounts and Coverage

Hi CC. I was wondering if anyone had experience with UK’s Patterson scholarship and its coverage of various course fees. I have an email from the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships saying that fees were covered, but the terms of my letter say that they are not. Does anyone who received a Patterson (or even a Singletary, since they are similar amounts) know if the fees outlined here:
were covered? As an aside, are these fees per semester or per year?

Daughter is going to be a sophomore this coming year on a Patterson Scholarship. Last year, the mandatory fees were covered. There were a few things that were not covered, such as the fees for the online classes that she took. I believe that this was less than $100 for the year, if I am correct. I believe that she took 3 online classes, but could be wrong. She is very independent now, so handles all of that herself. Can’t believe that she does not need me for stuff like that anymore. Boo hoo!

The stipend that is given per year covered books for the year, as well as some other expenses. She upgraded her room, which we paid out of pocket. This is obviously an optional thing, that a person can do, but is not needed if money is tight. She upgraded her food plan second semester, as she was tired of taking the bus to get groceries. There is now a new grocery store in walking distance from campus, though she plans to upgrade one level next year as well for convenience. We had taken the advice of the CC people before us, and not upgraded from the start. She decided to upgrade, not due to being hungry, but wanting access to some healthier alternatives than what she was choosing when on the original plan. Again, a choice, not a necessity for her.

We have found that the Patterson Scholarship has covered most, if not all, of the expenses that one would need to lay out. What we have spent extra was due to choice, not necessity. She had a wonderful first year. She has a part time job lined up for next year (only a few hours per week, in her major, gaining experience and contributing to the education of other students). This scholarship is amazing. We very much appreciate all that UKy has done for her academically, as well as in personal growth this past year. The right choice for her by far. We couldn’t be happier.

I just picked her up from her summer job. She indicated that she also paid some individual course fees, like lab fees. The mandatory stuff that you provided the link to was covered.

Thanks so much NaperMom! Your answer is what I expected (and was hoping) it would be. UK is so generous!