Paty vs Ridgecrest

I am not set on UA but I will probably go there. I know I have a long time before I pick dorms, but I am stuck on this one. I have heard that Paty is horrible and if you get it, get out. However, I have always wanted the traditional style dorm since I always thought it would be more social. I also like that Paty has an Honors floor. I think joining a fraternity will be fun but I don’t think I will. I am looking to meet people and I have heard ridgecrest is also less social. I can afford ridgecrest but the extra spending money would be nice. For someone who is looking to be more outgoing who didn’t have much fun in high school, I’m looking for a more fun college experience. Overall, what would be your advice. I look on Reddit and people said they liked their time in Paty but I feel like I’ll be missing out on something if I choose one over the other. I also like Ridgecrest is both genders but since it’s suite style I don’t know how much that matters. Also, I’m not considering pres or lakeside or any others unless you think they’re worth it.

First of all, don’t stress too much over it. When I was a senior in high school I stressed to much over it. Since then I’ve lived in most dorms on campus due to being an RA. Overall all the dorms have their own personality. If you want co-ed, traditional, and social, I would recommend looking at Burke. It’s closer to the quad. It has a dining hall. Burke East is currently half male half female I believe. It’s divided based on floors. I definitely believe traditional dorms are more social. But they come with their downsides. You’ll be able to make friends no matter which dorm you’re in. I would also look into Ridgecrest East and West. I felt they were small enough that I didn’t feel like I was in a giant hotel like south. But south seems more active. I also know a ton of people who love paty. It seems like most people are nervous about paty but end up loving it. It’s older, sometimes has an odor, but is very social. It has canes which is awesome. All the dorms are great choices. Can’t really go wrong.

Also if you’re Engineering, check out Bryant! That’s where the athletes live. It’s super close to fraternity houses, right next to all the engineering buildings, and they have the best dining hall! Not to mention they get Full XL beds! They’re much more modern than any other dorm. Plus you have action card access to the suite and only a key for the bedroom.

Also bryant comes with a tv in each living room! And much larger dresser.

For those reading this other than OP, Bryant is only for male students.

@bamagirl18 I am looking at Honors so that would be the one floor on Paty or any of the ridgecrest’s.

Correct. But after living in both honors and non honors dorms, I noticed very minimal differences. Honors dorms were a little quieter maybe. Not much that I noticed. Just thought I’d give some options that aren’t honors but still very good options.

@bamagirl18 but do people in honors dorms have like organized things to do or is the only benefit of living in honors the fact that other people are also in honors?

RAs organize programs for the residents but are often open to anyone. Programs include movie night and similar. I went to programs in my building freshman year but also went to programs in other buildings. I’d say the main benefit is that everyone is in honors. Every building has events and the honors college holds events also.

@bamagirl18 Ok thank you so much for the help. So overall, what would be your dorm recommendation for a guy who is looking to be social but probably won’t go greekm

I’d say focus on finding roommates. They’re more important than dormmates. If I went back and did it again, I’d pick traditional and probably Burke but I’m also female. I think there’s pros and cons of all of them. Traditional dorms tend to be more social and force residents to spend time outside the room. Paty is nice because it’s close to the other dorms while Burke is a little far from other dorms.

@bamagirl18 okay thanks for the help. I’ll probably choose Paty but I have one more concern, and it’s very stupid. How hard is it to meet girls? I go to an all guys high school so I don’t really want that isolation again. If I don’t join Greek life, I’m afraid that it will be hard to meet girls since I won’t have them next door or on my hall.