<p>I especially want to go to my match school, which is UC Berkeley. Not only does it have a great EECS program, but the atmosphere seems wonderful, especially for a prospective CS student like I am - Berkeley has played a very significant role in the creation of today's technological society, and I feel that I could learn a lot, especially from several of the computer clubs.</p>
<p>At the same time, the $25,000/yr price tag is worrying me. My parents have a bit saved up, but nothing close to what it's going to cost to go for 4 years. Unless I get grants (I want that R-C scholarship!), I'm expecting to graduate with $70,000 in debt, and that's assuming I work part-time during the year. </p>
<p>In some ways I wish I had taken the full-ride offers that some colleges offered me (I was a NMSF), but I would really rather go to one of the schools to where I applied, especially Berkeley, Stanford, or Princeton (the latter are reaches, though).</p>
<p>Of course, I'm going to have to take out loans, but I keep wishing that somewhere with great aid like Princeton will take me, or I'll get a few scholarships to get me through Berkeley. All this advertising that colleges do to make themselves look affordable is just hot air unless you're really poor... ugh.</p>