paying tuition online with which credit card?

<p>Any experienced parents who have used the online payment option for tuition?
I recall being surprised that credit card payment was an option. Our plan is to use a card to pay so that we can accumulate some air miles, as we are far from Rice. Can anyone familiar with this payment method tell me if there is any credit card that is not acceptable to Rice, ie. Am.Express?
We can call the school Monday but if anyone has info it would be greatly appreciated.
P.S. We are very pleased that our son will be attending Rice.</p>

<p>Jacdad - Are you sure that you want to pay by credit card? There is a convenience fee of 2.75%, charged by the CC servicing company for paying that way -and it would have to be LOTS of miles to cover the cost of that percentage!


YES! You can now pay by credit card online (with an additional 2.75% fee, $3 min. fee). You can also pay online with an electronic check at no additional charge. The online payments are currently only available through ESTHER. Other methods of payment are cash, personal checks, money orders, traveler's checks, and wire transfers (wire transfers are reserved for international students only, please).</p>

<p>Why is there a convenience fee added to my credit card payment?</p>

<p>The convenience fee is charged by the credit card servicer and covers the cost of processing the credit card payments.

We have paid online with an electronic check and it works just fine.<br>
P.S. We are also pleased that our son will be attending Rice!!!! :)</p>

Thanks for the heads up. We were not aware of the convenience fee. Coincidentally we were just discusssing not using that payment system for our older son's school, as they charge a similar convenience fee. I guess we will just have to pay for the plane tickets the old fashioned way.</p>

<p>PS_ Still glad about Rice.</p>