<p>I submitted my payments online on 12/28/2008, and they show up as 'Submitted' next to my colleges. However, they still have red triangles beside them, and I think this is preventing me from submitting my application to colleges that require payments first. </p>
<p>Any help? I really hope that red triangle doesn't get stuck until the big day.</p>
<p>You can also log on to your ID at the university’s website and if they received the payment, you don’t have to worry about that red triangle. I had one for BC (and it’s still the red triangle), however, BC received the payment according to its Agora website. So, I had no need to worry. So, just to make sure, check on the university’s website.</p>
<p>my payment statuses all turned green today also! except offsite payments, for example harvard, which are still red (will they remain that way??), so while all my other schools’ general statuses are green triangles, my harvard general status still remains a yellow square…</p>
<p>Ignore all of the symbols – the Common Ap folks have really buggy software and they’ve got a FAQ out on that topic. Even once the symbol turns green you can find it bouncing back to another color on a different day.</p>