<p>This is a post where I am only stating facts that I saw on CSPAN yesterday....not trying to offend anyone or say that the Peace Corps is bad.... just the facts! </p>
<p>It was the HOUSE FORIEGN AFFAIRS COMITTEE MEETING on Peace Corps Volunteer Safety...</p>
<p>The women who testified were past Peace Corps volunteers.. one was the mother of a young women who was murdered in Benin...I'm sorry that I missed her testimony as I stumbled on the program late in the hour.</p>
<p>The other women had been raped in there respective volunteer sites.. Niger, Bangladesh and Nepal... </p>
<p>Apparently, on average, there are 100 PC volunteers that are raped/year... and this has been going on for years... one women Carol Clark was raped in Nepal 30 years ago.. and her outrage lies in the fact that PC has done NOTHING to ensure the womens safety while they are on site and how rape victims are treated on site and upon their return to the US.</p>
<p>Dr Karestan Koenen who is now an assistant adjunct professor @ Harvard was brutally raped in Niger in 1991... when she was shipped back to DC by PC, on a long international flight, sans supportive escort, she was subjected to a painful exam and belittled by the male doctor and was asked what she had done to bring on such an attack and that PC officials are "sick and tired" of American women going abroad, partying, drinking and having sex and then crying rape.... during this extrememly emotiona/excrutiating internal exam, she was told to calm down and keep quiet..</p>
<p>Jessica Smochek(2004), from the day she arrived @ her PC site in Bangladesh, was verbally harassed.... she reported it to PC site managers, and she and her fellow female volunteers were told to basically suck it up... the harassment escalated to her being thrown to the ground by a group of men and groped/kissed.. her pleas for help again, were ignored by the on site PC staff.. she even went as far to ask for mace/pepper spray... they refused her request... a male volunteer even offered to provide the women @ the site with self defense classes... but PC again, refused....this poor women, was then tragically gang raped by 6 men... she also had foreign objects forced into her body... all the while being beaten and tortured... at one point she states, she begged them to kill her... because the pain was too great to bare.. her ordeal continued when she was accused of placing herself in a situation where she was asking for trouble, had her phone taken away as not to alert her fellow site volunteers and sent back to the states, on a long international flight back to DC... ALONE...
no rape kit was ever done and no statement was given to the authorities @ the PC site. Upon her return to the states, she was subjected to the humiliation of a painful vaginal exam by a male doctor and also haranged/blamed/belittled during questioning... she found out several days later that 3 other women back in Bangladesh had been brutally raped just days after her own harrowing experience... and her site mates had not been told of her rape.... they were lied to and told that she had returned to the states for dental issues.</p>
<p>Needless to say, the congressmen/women were mortified to know that volunteers had been treated in such a manner by PC officials...they will be looking into legislation to change how PC deals with rape victims..and safety issue in general..</p>
<p>I am sure many of you will be sending your college grads off serve for PC and need to know about issues surrounding the safety of your altruistic volunteers..</p>
<p>I hope this helps/encourages folks to ask questions of the PC and to be prepared! I have a daughter who would like to volnteer after college graduation and before she applies to med school... this was a eye opener and I am glad I saw it...</p>
<p>You may be able to see the program.... C-SPAN</a> Video Library.. not sure if its free or not</p>
<p>Peace</a> Corps Volunteer Safety, Part 1 - C-SPAN Video Library</p>