peace studies major

Hello all. My DD looking at majoring in Peace Studies through CCAS if she’s not admitted to her first choice Elliott. This major is intriguing as it appears there might be a concentration in Social, Economic, and Environmental Justice. Seems like there are many interesting internships and encouragement to study abroad. She was also looking at Business Economics and Public Policy major, but Peace Studies won out since the Common App only let her pick two Primary Schools of Interest. Any input? Maybe from @Ganjagodgrizzly1994 @NHuffer @gdubya ?

We toured campus in early January during the bomb cyclone. Super cold icy and a bit snowy and my DD loved everything about the GW and of course DC (first time visiting). Our tour guide was awesome, a young woman from the Elliott School majoring in International Affairs and African Studies, very confident and well-spoken, and a real asset to the school. We walked from the Lincoln Memorial to the WWII Memorial at night under nearly a full moon and it was so breathtaking despite the cold. We stayed at the The River Inn in Foggy Bottom (offered us discounted parking in January) so we could walk directly to campus, the metro and Starbucks/Whole Foods. I do not regret spending the extra money to stay close to campus instead of the outskirts. Didn’t have much time, but we did get a quick tour of the National Gallery of Art and the Smithsonian Natural History Museum, and ate at the Elephant and Castle pub.


If your daughter gets in she gets in…she can always do an internal transfer to the Elliott School of International Affairs or the George Washington School of Business. Internal transfers are really easy once you’ve matriculated as a student, IMO. One thing that’s great about George Washington is that there is a lot of freedom to move around between majors and to cherry pick electives in other schools outside of your own. Now, I want to be very honest with you and say that the Elliott School and GWSB really offer you a huge bang for your buck. In my experience, those schools tend to attract the much more competitive students and most of the students that I’ve met who are getting into top four firms or competing to get into top ten law schools and M7 business schools are large in part from Elliott or GWSB. I’d like to think that most of us make the decision to go to college because we’re genuinely interested in pursuing higher education and developing skills that will ultimately prepare us for a lifelong career in a field that we’re truly committed to and passionate about. I can’t speak much to the magic of Elliott but I will say that the atmosphere at GWSB, particularly the recruiting is phenomenal. Why did I choose to attend the George Washington University School of Business? First and foremost, I strongly felt that the George Washington School of Business was the school best suited for my career goals. After earning a degree in Business Economics & Public Policy I would like to pursue a J.D / M.B.A at Yale Law School and the Yale School of Management. Secondly, both my parents had met at GWSB and had earned a masters from the business school so the school felt close to me both in a literal and figurative sense. I’m very happy here as an undergraduate. See the thing that GWSB does really well is that it facilitates an environment that fosters a nexus between the academic and corporate world. You aren’t simply learning to regurgitate information from a textbook through a strict pedagogical lens…many of the professors in the business school have day time jobs so you’re really learning from people who have made it in the real world and are there to help you actually understand how a particular academic concept would be applied in a specific career. But I digress…to more directly answer your question I would highly recommend the business economics & public policy major if you’re interested in burgeoning economic issues such as whether the United States should switch to a single-pay health care system and also understanding how corporations work and what makes them tick such as analyzing the crash of Enron. However, there are other interesting majors offered under the Bachelors of Business Administration degree. GWSB’s international business program is ranked 8th in the country on U.S News and World Report and you can earn a B.Ba with a concentration in international business. Your daughter could always matriculate into George Washington as a peace studies major and transferred into the business school.

The great thing about George Washington is that it’s really easy to do an internal transfer and switch between majors. You also have the consortium which allows you to take courses at Georgetown, American, Howard and George Mason. Another great thing about George Washington is that it’s really easy to take electives outside of your own school. Now, I would honestly recommend attending the School of Business because I believe it is a school will open many doors for your DD and provide a lifelong network and lifetime of opportunities. See the thing that GWSB does really well is that it facilitates a learning environment that fosters an nexus between academia and the corporate world. You’re not simply learning to regurgitate information through some strict pedagogical lens but also learning to think intuitively. In other words, your DD will be learning from highly-qualified professors many of which have attended Ivy league Schools and hold day time jobs. The professors are really there to help you understand how a particular concept could be applied to a specific career and often take the liberty to explain such application to you anyways. And many of the professors are people who were brilliant students themselves and have made it in the real world. I personally decided to attend GWSB because I felt and still feel that it is a school that will best develop me as a student and help me successfully advanced toward my career goals. My parents also met at GWSB and earned a masters degree there. So George Washington University has always felt close to me both in a literal and figurative sense. After earning a Bachelors of Business Administration in Business economics and Public Policy I would like to pursue a JD/M.B.A at Yale Law School and the Yale School of Management. Also, many of the students that I have met at G.W that are getting into top four firms and competing for admission into T14 law schools and M7 business schools are from Elliott and GWSB. Just to clarify the T14 and M7 law and business schools are the best of the best business and law schools in the country so attending GWSB for undergrad is certainly earned privileged and one that will realistically prepare you for those schools or even just rewarding careers.

As a plan of action, what your DD could do is matriculate as a peace studies major but she could still attend Elliott and GWSB events her freshman year in order to help her ultimately decide what she wants to do. One thing to consider is that the Elliott School of International Affairs consistently ranks in the top 15 programs for international relations and the international business program at GWSB was ranked 8th this year on U.S News & World Report. Ranking isn’t everything so if your DD falls in love with peace studies that’s fine, but at the same time if she finds a major in either Elliott or GWSB that she loves and then does an internal transfer then she will seriously open up great opportunities for her later on.

why did you spill your life story lol nobody cares

Ok, for what precisely are you seeking input? How your daughter can potentially transfer into Elliott if she doesn’t get in initially? (it’s definitely doable, but she’ll have to take some introductory classes from within the Elliott School and do well. The school remains competitive even from the inside)

If you were seeking input on her choice of major, I think two big questions of mine would be 1) what would she intend to do with a major in Peace Studies, and 2) are you paying for her entire education or will she be incurring any amount of student debt?

If you’re paying for all of her school, then she is in a very special position in which she can afford pursue her passions and potentially end-up with a low-paying job in her field (or a better-paying job in an in-related field). If she has to take out student loans in any form, I think it’s a terrible idea, as she’d be strapped with a large amount of debt upon graduation, along with a degree that is VERY difficult to translate into a decent-paying job.

And quite frankly, that major sounds nothing more than a trendy topic within a “field” full of volunteers and others doing work on the side of a “real” job. Now, I’m sure this will come across harsh, but I don’t see the logic in studying something like that. I understand passion and wanting to study something aligned with it, but that’s not always in our best interest. In my opinion… she should either find a different major that she finds interesting (Business Economics and Public Policy would be so much better), or study something more broad (and transferable to “the real world”) and take some classes within Peace Studies (heck, she could even pursue a minor in it). But again, this is just my opinion. However, it’s one founded in empirical evidence and supported by many 2nd-hand accounts of finding work with fancy/trendy degrees and a mountain of debt.

Also, I should mention that the things you listed as her being interested in regarding Peace Studies (interesting internships and encouragement to study abroad) can be found across almost all majors at GW. GW is amazing for it’s networking and internship opportunities.

@billybobby54 Okay maybe that was an overzealous explanation…I was a little bit overcaffeinated. But at the same time I would think that such a story is still germane to the post because it provides an illuminative answer to the OP’s question?

I didn’t see an exact question laid out in your post there, but it seems like you two are thinking of this decision logically. If you’re asking for my personal thoughts, I would encourage her to pursue business/econ besides peace studies for many reasons, but that’s ultimately your call. I say this because studying business and econ will actually teach your applicable skills that you can offer an employer. Frankly, international affairs and the elliott school doesn’t teach applicable skills really, but the name and prestige is what carries weight when applying for jobs which is what makes the elliott school so great.

The ability to get jobs and employment comes from your networking. DC is great for that, and that’s something that’s self driven, and doesn’t depend so much on your major. For example: I’m an Elliott student, and I just got back from a new internship I got at a Think Tank, doing research on US-Iranian affairs. My advisor who I just met was a journalism and creative writing major who taught himself farsi for fun.

@NHuffer Ok listen here “Mr. GW” who has nothing better to do than spend hours on this site. Maybe I haven’t crossed your little radar, but I am in fact applying to GW.

Why is she so involved her child’s process? The kid should take initiative (like me) instead of these old nellies.

@billybobby54 The hours I spend on this site are what give me the ability to discern between a true “helicopter mom” and a parent that’s merely interested in their child’s well-being. It’s great that you take initiative- it really is. But do you think that someone like you, when they’re a parent, won’t take a little initiative themselves to research the schools that their child is applying to? Not that they necessarily wish to steer their children, but to simply be knowledgeable or have some peace-of-mind?

Perhaps you should try to have more of an open mind yourself and not be so quick to judge. Afterall, you’re just a kid and it’d be just as easy for someone that didn’t know you to write you off as immature and inexperienced. I’m sure that’s not how you’d prefer to be judged. Further, it’s easier to make friends at a new place when you’re not behaving like an ass.

@billybobby54 I would be happy to buy you a drink at the H Street Starbucks during GW’s Admitted Students Day to celebrate your (and hopefully our) acceptances. I know your stats are strong, so no doubt you will be admitted to GW. You probably have pending applications at some other great schools, so let me know if you choose GW. ~O)