Peer Evaluation Question

<p>I had my older brother write my peer evaluation. He did a good job, but I'm a little worried because I've been looking at other threads and everyone seems to have had a friend write it. My friends that know me best are not particularly good writers so I thought it would be better to pick someone that knows me just as well, or even better, who was a great writer. Should I be regretting that I picked my brother? I've already sent in my application ED.</p>

<p>no way! that's perfectly fine.</p>

<p>I almost had my sister write mine because she knows me so well, but my best friend is also a great writer so I just had her do it.</p>

<p>I think it would have been best if you picked a friend, because Dartmouth isn't basing their opinion on how well your peer writes; they're basing it on your personality, but if your brother has a better idea than your friends, then it should be all right.</p>

<p>i wrote mine for my twin brother. its not like objectivity is an issue with these recs anyway.</p>

<p>^Lol. He wrote it as your peer rather than your brother?</p>

<p>I'm applying to Dartmouth too; did you guys see your recs before, or did your friends send them out themselves?</p>

<p>I didn't see mine before it was sent out.</p>

<p>I have a similar question about this…
I was planning on having my sister write mine. She’s 13 (which I just realized I put on the application I already submitted) and in the eighth grade. Is this too young? Her writing is mature. I would have a friend write it, but all my friends are really busy with college apps and school, and I would feel really bad giving them one more thing to do.</p>

<p>^do you have any friends who are juniors or maybe even in college? family friends?</p>

<p>I have no idea if it matters or not…I just don’t consider a peer to be in the 8th grade.</p>

<p>what… that is so lame… i actually got a real friend to do mine… i could have maybe asked my dad to do mine</p>