<p>Can my sister do it (she's four years older than me)? I feel as though she is the person who knows me best, and feel as if none of my friends could really write as in-depth as she can.</p>
<p>I realize that if a family writes a peer recommendation it will come off as bias though. So what should I do?</p>
<p>And a friend isn’t biased?
Of course your sister can do it. I seem to recall some parents of Williams acceptees saying that one of their kids wrote it for the other.</p>
<p>Four years is probably a bigger gap than you’d maybe want ideally, but i know what you mean about getting friends to write especially when many of them are swamped with their own apps. I felt horribly though when my S’s friend (who wrote the peer thng) totally blamed himself for my son being rejected. It was sweet of him to take the hit, but so not the case.</p>