Penn State Admission Chances for Main Campus

I submitted my application in mid October for Main Campus and also selected the summer semester as an option to increase my chances, how strong at my chances to get in?

GPA: 4.0
SAT: 1200/1600
Rank: Top fifth
Extracurriculars: Lots of community work, varsity track and football team captain, also was in an outdoorsmen club for four years

Took all the maths, English’s, sciences, and history’s required, only have Spanish 1 with a 97% but it said you can correct this deficiency by passing a world language class while your there at PSU before you graduate.

How do my chances look? Thanks!

Also applied as undecided

With DUS and summer session, I’d guess your chances are pretty good.

Okay thank you!

I think you will be fine, especially if the GPA you provided is your unweighted. I am not sure how much they will care that you have taken only 1 Spanish. What you could do is quickly try and take the Spanish class online at Nebraska online school (I’m pretty sure it’s called that). If you grind it out you can finish pretty quickly and it should count. (Just check with your school first).