<p>Any one know about Penn State and Univ. of Delaware music education programs my D is considering these two schools among others for music ed voice.</p>
<p>Penn State has a pretty solid rep as a music ed school within the northeast. In just purusing their info, they offer both a BS, designed to certify a successful student to teach publicly within the PA system and as such is designed to meet PA certification guidelines.</p>
<p>The other option is a BMe, which is normally read as a Bachelor of Music in education. The degree outline does not specify certification as a result, and I could not find specific explanatory info. My guess is that it is effectively the same basic course outline, and may substitute some pedagogy/studio techniques or a performance bent in lieu of a couple of courses that are mandated/required for PA teaching licensure.</p>
<p>You would need to explore these options fully, and speak to a knowledgeable advisor/department member. One way to ascertain differences is to compare side by side curriculum requirements for each degree. These should be available in the university undergrad handbook.</p>
<p>I don’t know anything about UDel. In general, state flagships and a number of dedicated state colleges produce competent, well trained music educators and address specific instate licensure requirements. I’ve never heard otherwise that UDel may fall outside these parameters. On the same token, I have heard Penn State repeatedly suggested as a “good” music ed choice, but UDel may suffer lack of exposure just in terms of relative size. </p>
<p>As with any music ed choice, I would tend to advise a student to look first to their state flagship. In performance and some other music paths or a combined ed/performance option, it is often wise to look at privates as well.</p>
<p>Viola Dad,Thanks once again your response was very helpful and well thought out.</p>
<p>I agree with the Viola Dad. UofD is not know for their music programs ( art yes ). I would think that there are a few other choices in PA. Lehigh comes to mind, they are into the peforming arts.</p>
<p>This thread is over a year old…hope the OP found a college!!</p>