Hello to everyone, I apologize if this is in the wrong forum, I just joined this site a few minutes ago. I was recently accepted as a transfer into the Penn State College of Human Health and Development Program for Recreation, Park, and Tourism Management. For my program I wasn’t allowed to apply to the main campus, I had to apply to a secondary and then finish at the main campus. My question is, does anyone know how long I would be at the secondary campus? Do I hit a certain credit point and then get transferred to the main one or what? I was just curious if anyone here knows since google didn’t seem to help me too much.
My guess is that you were deferred to a branch because of your year, not your program. PSU only accepts transfers after sophomore year. So if you are currently a freshman, you’d have to transfer to a branch for a year and then you’d go to UP with everyone else doing the 2+2 your junior year. Basically, you either start at PSU UP as a freshman, or not until you are a junior. I’m assuming you are currently a freshman. Is that correct?