Penn State Class of 2027 Official Thread

It resolved itself last night, but is now back to error. I have a feeling there site is crashing due to volume.

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Are there any advantages to starting in the summer versus the fall? Or vice versa?

Does anyone know of anyone getting in yet?


I assume one upside of summer start is easier admission to main campus. Also making friends and getting your feet wet before the masses show up are a few others.


Advantage is better chance at admissions and potentially having a chance to graduate sooner. The disadvantage is the higher tuition you would incur if graduating still over the normal time.

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this is what I wrote about summer about a month ago:

Check summer start. Summer is a terrific time to start. I speak from experience.

  • smaller classes
  • 6 credits in 6 weeks
  • learn campus, housing, dining, roommates
  • ā€œprideā€ (your group taking classes together) is 24 kids who live together ā€¦ so instant friends.

I recommend to many to consider it. Yes, there is a cost that is difficult for some, but it was absolutely worth it (maybe not in the covid year).


My son applied DUS because he truly is undecided- he likes some of the IST options but didnā€™t necessarily want to commit to it yet so he opted for DUS. Would it have been better to go IST if DUS is now so competitive?

We are anxiously waiting here! Would love to know if any acceptance letters to UP have gone out.


I think IST and DUS are both competitive. I honestly donā€™t know which is more competitive. If he gets back a result that he doesnā€™t like (i.e. commonwealth campus), he can call admissions and request re-evaluation for IST.

But since he isnā€™t locked and loaded for IST, then DUS is the place for him. If he checked summer start, there are usually a few summer classes that would be great for him to explore. Usually an IST class and a Cybersecurity class, I think. Obviously, no guarantees for this upcoming summer, but they have their pulse on what is successfully filled.

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Check out what @lucy_van_pelt posted a few replies up regarding summer.

My daughter was admitted for fall last year and chose to change it to summer specifically because of the excellent experience her older sister and brother had doing LEAP. She does not regret it and it was an amazing time for her. Most of her friends are still people she met during summer session. She knocked out 6 credits and got her feet wet at UP campus.
UP campus is no joke. Itā€™s huge and the academics take many by surprise. Many 4.0 students are shocked when they arrive to realize how difficult classes are - especially freshman engineering and business. The softer landing in college is helpful to many.
It does cost more - possibly- those six credits coupled with high school college credits may take off a semester of graduation time. It will likely do so for my daughter - except now sheā€™s thinking of adding a minor which would then put her back in the 4 year timeframe.


IST and DUS are probably similarly competitive, but you wouldnā€™t need the same math aptitude to get in for DUS as you would for IST.
Leave it as DUS and if heā€™s denied ask for reconsideration for a different major and/or add summer.

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Decisions should start rolling out sometime in the next few weeks but keep in mind that the majority of students hear in December and of those, most hear the week before or week of the deadline. And also remember - itā€™s in no order.


Not here and so many last year heard Nov 4th looked all day!


DS is in - Engineering! Happened sometime overnight.
1520 SAT, Straight Aā€™s w courses including AP Calc BC, Physics C, and Compsci


Congrats! Please post stats! Thank you!

Anyone who applied to accelerated med program heard yet?

NO but would love to know if it was just engineering who heard?

Congrats! Please post stats in the decision thread so that others can look back and see acceptances from year to year.

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Keep in mind this was just one person from Engineering that heard. Penn State decisions are random and not by major, state, semester start or application dateā€¦or anything else discernable.

This person that heard had very high stats - which are typically the type of students that hear early. Not ALL high-stat kids hear early. But generally, if you hear this early, you are a high-stat kid.