Penn State Class of 2027 Official Thread

When we toured, our guide said a lot 35% of the freshman class at UP do summer start.


Viewing my submitted common app application, it says I did say yes to summer start at UP for COE for CS. However, looking at my application info in, it is showing only Berks for the starting campus and not anything else. I am wondering if this meant they did not consider me for summer at all, or did and said no. I got Berks for fall for CS. So, I am wondering if I should ask admissions about summer start.

it sounds as though you said yes to summer start but were denied fall and summer start and given your second choice campus. At this point the only option would be to change your major and ask for reconsideration.

We still havenā€™t heard though applied on Nov 1 for EA. Applied for CS at UP campus. Anyone else like us?


Summer start is not a catch-all for everyone who couldnā€™t get into fall. Summer start is only slightly less competitive than fall and is in no way a slap in the face to be offered summer start.

Itā€™s a 6-week program that gives students an edge on figuring out the massive campus, getting 6 easy credits out of the way, and meeting friends before nearly 50,000 students descends on campus and State College. The ONLY downfall is that it costs $, but you are getting 6 credits out of it.

The process for admitting for summer vs. commonwealth campus is this (and I know itā€™s been said before but it bears repeating)

  1. Did the student apply for fall? if yes then:

        A. Can they be admitted for fall? 
        B.  If yes, admit for fall
        C. If no, did they check summer option?  If yes then: 
                   1. Can they be admitted for summer? If yes then: 
                   2. Offer summer admission
                   3. If no, offer second choice campus
       D. If no summer check, offer second choice campus
  2. Did student apply directly for summer? If yes:

      A. Can they be admitted for summer?  If yes:
                   1. Admit for summer
                   2. If not, offer second choice campus

What all of that basically means if you put summer as an option and got summer, you were already denied for fall. If you put summer as an option and you got a second choice campus, you were denied for fall and summer.

At the end of the day, some reconsideration requests will not matter if the stats are not there to support going to UP campus for ANY major.

MY advice is always if you get summer,and Penn State is your top choice, take it and run with it because LOTS OF APPLICANTS do not get into UP at all.


As stated by other people, there are approx 2000 students that start in the summer. They all live in one of two dorm areas set aside for first-year students. It is not a catch all. There are far more applicants who select the summer option than get admitted for summer. Summer is only slightly less competitive than fall.


And remember, summer is not only the kids who didnā€™t get offered admission for a fall start. There are some of us who send our kids to summer even though they were admitted for fall. For all the reasons listed.

Also, incoming freshman athletes are ā€œencouragedā€ to start summer. To get a few credits under their belt, start off-season training on campus, and bond with teammates (many of whom are there for summer as upperclassmen). So there are also those kids on campus.

If admitted for summer, most freshman do LEAP. However, you are NOT required to do LEAP if the classes donā€™t work. For example, if you are a Schreyer kid, you are allowed to pick classes from two different LEAPS because you have to take special Honors English (which is only offered fall). Most LEAP classes are a required class or a popular gen ed PLUS English or CAS (Speech Comm). However, if your students has specific requirements, they can choose a regular non-LEAP class.

For example, my son took one class in a LEAP pride and because he is a Schreyer kid, also took a required ETM class that was not part of a LEAP pride (since he didnā€™t need the CAS class that was paired with the LEAP pride).

LEAP vs non-LEAP?

  • LEAP is set up as 24 kids in a ā€œprideā€ - they take both classes together. This past year, they lived on the same dorm floor. Allows and encourages lots of pride bonding. Each pride has a ā€œmentorā€ - an upperclassmen who is there to support them and plan activities.
  • non-LEAP - for kids who need or want specific classes not offered in a pride.

summer is great. feel free to send me a DM if any questions.

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@jlhpsu @lucy_van_pelt

  1. For summer start kids, do they have to apply or sign up for LEAP. Is LEAP a first come first serve basis?

  2. Do LEAP kids stay in their summer dorm through their first year?

Thanks for all the info!!!

@lucy_van_pelt @jlhpsu
Do they consider the kids starting in summer for Schreyer? I mean, does getting Summer start impact Schreyerā€™s admission??

DS has 1430 SAT scores, but went TO and got admitted for Summer at Eberly UP. He is more focused on getting into Schreyer, he does not want to join PSU if he does not get Schreyer (since Schreyer is TO, he did not submit SAT scores).

My daughter also applied EA undecided at UP and Schreyer. She has not heard yet. She is OOS.

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They will have to sign up for LEAP. Prides are usually listed in January/February and sign up will be in March. It is first come, first serve so if there is a specific pride, I would encourage him to pay attention to when you can enroll.

If he is CS, I think there are some classes that would benefit him (CMPSCI 131?).

some LEAP kids stayed in the same room. My son was not one of the lucky ones. But they allow a window during the last few days of summer classes that kids can get the key for their fall dorms and put stuff into it so you donā€™t have to move everything home. There are restrictions (ie. put everything on the bed, no unpacking, etc.) and not every dorm is eligible (if one of the sports teams uses it for pre-season), but for the most part, it makes the fall move-in much easier either way.

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@dad23pa Summer start kids have nothing to do with Schreyer yes or no. All they check is if the kid has been admitted.

Schreyer will complete a holistic transcript review as well as do a deep dive reading the essays. You are correct that test scores are not considered for Schreyer.

Honestly, while Schreyer is a strong honors college, for me, it is not a reason to not go to Penn State. Penn State is so much more. If it is something that he really wants, he could apply freshman or sophomore year while at Penn State.

That perspective comes from having kids IN Schreyer as well as one NOT in Schreyer. I see both sides. It is more about making connections with professors - which can happen either way. My one that is not in Schreyer will be a TA next semester. My one that graduated from Schreyer was never a TA. My one not in Schreyer could have applied as a freshman or sophomore but decided that writing a thesis does not help her end goals and will only add stress. She is more focused on academics and involvement and internships. (she is a kid that will be going to grad school and a thesis would not help her).

Schreyer decisions are totally independent and will not come until February or March. They also will have a waitlist - I know many kids that got off the waitlist in April, so keep that in the back of your mind.

good luck! keep asking the questions and Iā€™ll do my best to answer.


Wow, thank you so much for all the info! Much appreciated!

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I would be curious to see if anyone has a child in Schreyer who is a communications or journalism major and how they utilized the honors college in pursuit of their degree. Thank you!

Sorry, but what is CS and DUS? Iā€™ve also seen DD. Anyone? Is there an abbreviation guide somewhere because Iā€™ve seen at least a handful more.

Iā€™m not entirely sure but I think:
CS= Computer Science
DD= Darling Daughter
DUS= Undecided :woman_shrugging:t2:?

DUS = Division of Undergraduate Studies (same as undecided)

UP admissions was direct to say summer start provides no advantage for nursing major. They highly recommended it for every other major though. They did say nursing students can participate in summer, it just wonā€™t help with acceptance.

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For any of the kids who asked for reconsideration, did they send any updates like marking period grades or other extracurriculars since they sent in that first application? Weā€™re thinking of doing that, but was told it was not necessary. Iā€™m wondering if they added to the application file if you do.