Penn State gets $88 million gift, will build ice arena

<p>Thanks Terry & Kim Pegula!
Penn</a> State gets $88 million gift, will build ice arena</p>

<p>The people who making the donation can of course do whatever they want with their money, but if I were the president of the university I wouldn’t be bragging so loudly about spending a huge amount of money to establish an ice hockey program at the same time that I was crying poor, raising tuition and asking for millions more from the state.</p>

<p>Where is he bragging? I missed that.</p>

<p>He had a press conference that hit the front page of the Philadelphia Inquirer.</p>

<p>“The Pegulas’ unparalleled generosity will make it possible for Penn State to serve our region and our student-athletes in exciting new ways,” Spanier said in a statement. “This arena will be an invaluable year-round asset for members of the university community as well as for children, youth, and families throughout central Pennsylvania, and it will be an engine for economic growth and development.”</p>

<p>Read more: [Penn</a> State gets $88 million for hockey arena, program | Philadelphia Inquirer | 09/18/2010](<a href=“]Penn”></p>

<p>I think it will be a good investment. It will generate business to local hotels, stores, and restaurants during the winter and can supplement the business generated by basketball. Plus, it will be profitable to Penn State. I see a lot of Penguins/Flyers fans around campus, so there’s obviously a student market for hockey; Penn State can earn a lot of money selling season tickets and it will give students another event to go socialize.</p>

<p>It would be nice to find a donor who will give towards building more dorms to alleviate the over-enrollment of students or adding more laboratories so more students can participate in hands-on research.</p>

<p>Typically, the only collegiate sports that generate income over expenses are football and men’s basketball. And I’m not so sure about men’s basketball at PSU. :wink: Obviously, there are other benefits.</p>

<p>I have heard that, while there were folks who suggested to the donors that there are areas of greater need at PSU, every effort was made to be gracious and respectful of the donors’ decisions. The Pegulas are a very wealthy family and PSU’s development people are hoping there may be additional gifts in the future.</p>

<p>Hockey is very popular in the B10, and has a large following in PA (PGH and Philly are both big hockey towns), so it makes since that they develop an arena/team.</p>

<p>By adding PSU, the B10 can now form its own hockey league with UW, UMinn, MSU, OSU, UM. With coverage onb the BTN it could be very profitable overall. Several B10 teams already make a profit on men’s hockey. UW averages around 13,000 paid per game.</p>

<p>[Badgers</a> outdoor game seeks attendance record - Madison Wisconsin Badgers |](<a href=“]Badgers”></p>