penn state university nursing

im going to be a HS senior next year and was wondering what happens if i dont make penn state nursing program? i know i wont make univeristy park with my 3.0 gpa but i think i would make altoona but i hesrd nursing is very hard to get into… i dont make it into the program then what? and aso does the 2+2 program apply for nursing students also? i went on a tour today and the lady said u have to start and finish at one school but i was reading on line and peolle say they started at atoona and ended at university park? thats what I would want… and also if i cant do the 2+2 program would i be able to move onto the main campus junior year and commute to altoona for my nursing classes for my lasst two years? thanks !

I can’t help you with the rest of it but this is a really bad idea. You don’t want to live at one school and commute to another. I highly doubt you would even get housing on or near main campus if you don’t go there.

i only thoufht of it because my friends sisters boyfriend did that… he couldn’t transfer to main because of his major but junior yesr he moved on to main for the social experience with his friend and did the 45 minute commute to altoona

i only thoufht of it because my friends sisters boyfriend did that… he couldn’t transfer to main because of his major but junior yesr he moved on to main for the social experience with his friend and did the 45 minute commute to altoona

Not sure I understand the question. If you don’t make it into the program you either select another major or try to transfer to an easier college.

I can clarify a bit. PSU Nursing is different than most majors at PSU in that you are admitted as a freshman. You cannot do the 2+2 with nursing and you MUST start and finish at the same campus. PSU main campus nursing is harder to get into than nursing at Altoona. If you get into Altoona nursing, you must start and complete your studies there. You cannot do a 2+2 with nursing and a few other direct entry majors.

Altoona nursing CAN be started after freshman year IF you take required courses your freshman year and get a certain GPA in them. You don’t have to be directly entered into the major freshman year at a BRANCH campus. At UP, you must.

You can live wherever you want. If you want to live in State College all 4 years and commute to Altoona, you could do that because it’s not required for freshmen to live on campus any year at Altoona. But it would be a pain and you’d also not be near ANY of the people you are meeting in your classes. Even if you do it for the last 2 years, you need to be mindful of where your clinicals will be located etc. 45 minutes twice a day every day for classes might get tiresome. But can you do it? Yes, you can. You won’t be able to live ON campus at UP campus, but you could live anywhere else students live and commute. But add in the cost of parking - which in town is very expensive. Some houses and apartments a little further out have parking that is more reasonable. But parking right down near college or beaver avenues will be very expensive.