Penn State-University Park or Virginia Tech for Engineering

<p>Hey. I was accepted by both the universities and I was wondering where I should enroll, because both these universities are pretty similar, I was having a tough time choosing.
Well I intend on majoring in Electrcial engineering and I know Vtech is slightly better than PSU for engineering,but as a school PSU is ranked much higher than Vtech so yeah still pretty confused about which school I should go to. Should I focus on the engineering ranking more than the overall national university rankings?
I want a great college experience along with great academics. I'm into the whole study hard and party hard mentality. So I was wondering if you guys could help me choose which school I should go to.

<p>I don’t accept any ranking which would put PSU much higher than VaTech overall. If you are in-state Penn then I’d chose their program. If in-state Va then VaTech of course. If you are out-of-state for both then Va Tech (I’m biased of course).</p>

<p>In-state at PSU actually isn’t much cheaper than OOS at VT. You should be looking at engineering rankings if you want to be an engineer and rankings matter to you, but they don’t when they’re this close.</p>