Penn State vs Michigan State

<p>Can anybody tell me which college is better and possible for me ? Here's my profile:
I'm Asian, rising senior living in east coast. I've just lived in US for 1 year so there aren't many ECs (I'll try to work for about 40 hours). SAT is not high, didn't take the SAT yet but I will do in Oct. ( the last time I took the practice test at PR I got CR 480 and M 660, W I don't have the grade for essay but I got 67 for grammar). GPA is about 4.1 weighted which equals to 3.6 unweighted I believe. I'm going to a Catholic High school and trying to get toughest class ( next year I will have 2 AP classes, 2 honors, 1 level 1, the rest are theology and selectives). My school doesn't have the ranking for international students but I think I stay at top 20.
The reasons I choose Penn State and Michigan are both have Business/finance, my SAT is not good so I'm looking for reachable schools. I will try to boost CR to 600. The tuition is affordable for me (37k usd is maximum) . If I get financial aid that'll be great.
Is MSU competitive ? I see it requires low SAT.
And if you have any recommendations for me I'd appreciate.</p>

<p>well MSU is a very good school.
and a degree from there is very well sought after.</p>

<p>it is easier to get into than Penn State. so keep that in mind.
if u raise ur CR to like 600 u have a better chance at both.
u have a good math score and a solid GPA.</p>

<p>good luck!</p>

<p>It also varies from campus to campus. Michigan at Ann Arbor has the highest ranked business school for any Michigan or Penn State campus. My critical reading was also my lowest section. It wasn't quite that low, but it was a stark contrast to my 700+s in the other categories and unfortunately colleges don't care if you have a near perfect writing score if your reading score isn't very good. Make sure you get lots of rest before you test and if you aren't getting in-state tuition I'd look at private colleges because not all of them are harder to get into than state colleges and they usually give better financial aid.</p>

<p>Michigan State or Michigan? You change in between your post. </p>

<p>As for PSU. Are you trying to get in main campus? If so, your GPA is fine, but your SAT might not cut it. PSU main campus is based almost solely on GPA + test score. GPA gets more of a weight so you never know. Also, are you in-state for PSU or Michigan (State) ? That would help.</p>

<p>I mean Michigan State University and Penn State University at University Park.
I know my SAT is low. I check out the SAT requirement at CB and see that both schools require approxiamtely 500-650 each section. I'll try to reach it. However I'm also working on ACT. I may get better score cuz ACT has lower demand on CR.</p>

<p>Since you're an international, keep in mind that you won't get in-state tuition even if you go to your in-state school.</p>

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<p>I know the tuition for out of state students is already affordable to me.
But can I get financial aid if qualified ?</p>

<p>Michigan State's Eli Broad school of business is pretty well established and a great program from what I've heard, especially in supply chain management. I'd say with an increase to your CR SAT score, it is very possible to get into both MSU and Penn state. I'd recommend to apply to both at least</p>