<p>Dear CC community,
I'm an international freshman applicant trying to decide on a offer (Spring admission/waitlist for fall) for Purdue or an offer from Penn State (Greater Allegheny, 2+2).</p>
<p>I am undeclared, but interested in studying math-related.. probably try out practical math, actuarial science, etc. I would rather start in autumn, but I am willing to make the sacrifice of starting in spring if it means a better 4 year experience and degree.</p>
<p>What do you think about these schools?
Any input would be great, thanks! Got to decide soon..</p>
<p>Key words: (since post would only allow 2 tags below, rather than 25 it claimed)
Penn State, Purdue, PSU, Undergrad, Math, Purdue University, Penn State University, Greater Allegheny, Pennsylvania, Indiana, international, thank you
Nobunaga is invisible</p>