penn state vs umass amherst

Got admissions from both Penn State and Umass Amherst in BS economics. out-of-state for both of them. need advice on which one would be beneficial in terms of doing MBA afterwards.

Penn State is the better school for sure.

First, you don’t do an MBA after undergraduate. You need a minimum of 2-3 years in an entry level job. Most spend more: the average age in an MBA is 27.
Second: Neither will be a silver bullet. Both will depend on what you do: choice of involvement on campus, internships, etc.
Third : what are your net costs ?
Any minor you’re considering (such as the business certificate, communication…?)
Interest in joining the honors college (Penn State has a special program that let’s you try some honors classes alongside Schreyer students, and if you do well you’re admitted to Schreyer . It’s called PaternoScholars.)

Thanks for inputs. Cost wise both are coming at close to ~ 45000 $ per annum inclusive of everything tution+boarding+meal etc. However Umass offered a scholarship of $8000 per year which would give some breathing. Inclined to do business minor and internship.

Penn State is the better school.

But, is $45,000 affordable?